Chapter 29

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"Baby girl clam down it will be alright." We know that its happing and I agree that is what they need to do!" He said 

"They need to do? THEY NEED to do? THEY NEED TO DO?  Excuse me what they need to do is teach not harm other student." I yell at him. As he just looks at me. I don't want my daughter going to a school where she could be tortured for a class.

"But she a Pure blood baby. She would go to Slytherin. She would have nothing to Worry about. She wouldn't be messed with with the name Riddle and Malfoy on her." He said trying to make me feel better. "I still don't like it. I still think its wrong. Im  going to look into other school other Hogwarts. If this continue." I said as I walk away. 

Draco View
I still could'nt believe that in DADA they was using the curses. I decided that i wasnt going to go to class that day. I decided that i wasnt going back untill i got a letter back from Raven. It was now lunch time and i was eating like normal Harry came over with Hermione. She looked a little worried. "Hey have you heard from Raven. We havent gotten any letter or anything back from her in weeks" Draco looked at him.

"Umm to think about it no I havent I sent her a letter this morning and im waitng on a respond". Next thing the owls come in and Draco get a letter. 

Dear My Love,
I have talked to my dad and well he knows what they are doing and he okay with it. He said it was what they need to do to LEARN. I really dont understand what he really means. So yeah i will be taking care of this i promise because I dont know if i wanna send Caelyn there because i dont need her to go though that. I want her to be nice to all kinds prue blood, half blood, and muggleborns. I dont want her to live and be anthing like her grandpa. This is just wrong and i dont understand why he is allowing this. Keep me updated in this. 

                                                                                                                                       All my love RR

"She said going to fix it and her dad know whats happening in DADA class" Draco said excitedly. 

Harry looked at him with confused eyes. "Draco we dont have DADA until after lunch what are toy talking about she going to fix it, Whats happening." Harry asked confused.

" The Carrows are making older student use the unforgiveable curses on the younger students to learn what they do. Raven dad also know its happening" Draco said "and I really hope she can stop it." 

"Draco you know that they are part of the death eaters he probably told them that its okay to do" Hermoine said. 

"How she plan to stop it." Harry asked

"I dont know but im hoping she can but i also wont be in class" Draco exclamed.

Hermione said "Im with Malfoy I cant hurt the little students there scream will make me cry and then ill be a target" She said feeling scared. 

"You alredy going to be a target Granger" Draco said "You muggleborn, I dont think your age matters like Potter and Weasley will be fine. But ill be heading to the Black Lake after lunch. im going to write Raven back."

Draco finished his lunch gave the trio a nod and went to the lake. He pulled out a piece of parchment and his quill and started to write 

Dear my love,

   I hope you can fix this but im unsure how. If this is what your dad wants I know how he always get what he wants. Unless you are HIM you have no say. Sorry babe to say. And i know you normal get what you want from him I dont think  your  winning this battle. I really cant wait for Christmas i know its only a few weeks away but i cant wait. I just want to come home to you and Caelyn. You two are my world, my life. i have to give her a better life then i had. not live like this. 

                                                                                                                       All my love DM

I rolled my letter up until i go back to the school. I stare at the frozen Black Lake and think on how i am going to finish this school year. its going to be hard and I cant keep skipping classes i really wan to get a good job and after christmas break we will be getting ready for the N.E.W.T. I know im not ready but ill get through it. I closed my eyes thinking how cold i am and thinking to walk back the school then i hear a faint voice. " Arent you cold" the little voice said. i turn to see it who it was. 

"Granger, what you doing out here".  I said looking at her with odd eyes.

"Its been four hours since lunch your still out here and its almost dinner" She said looking at me with concerned expression on her face. 

"Its been four hours" I said no wonder i am cold i thought 

"Harry said I shoud of just left it out here, but i couldnt do that to Raven She loves you so while she gone imma keep and eye on you. She said. She really sweet and i have been a terrible person to her. 

"Thanks Gran... Hermione" I said as i got up. She smiled and we both went to dinner. After dinner i went to send my letter then i went to bed and feel in a deep sleep.

So a few weeks went by its now Christmas i was excited as everyone else. I decided not to pack my trunk. it will be fine and safe. and i got enough clothes. Got on the Train home free to my love and also the hell as i know it. 

"Raven hurry up dinner getting cold." My mom called to me.

"Coming mommy" I yelled as i finished wrapping the last of Caelyn Christmas. 

I go running down the stairs hoping Draco was there. No luck so i wasnt sad

"If you was down here twenty minutes ago you would know that Cissy and Lucius went to go get him. " My mom said realizing what well who i was looking for. I gave her a smile and grab my plate. 

"Where Cae?" I asked my mom

She replies with " She been fed, bathed, changed in bed. She will see her Daddy in the morning." I smiled at her and nod. I finished eating and followed my mom to the gather room because we have to wait for draco then we gotta call daddy. I really dont want to see daddy right now. So i think im goign to just leave after i see Draco. I sat boared and waited. A few minutes later Draco came in looking sexy and very tired. I ran over to him and gave him a tight hug and kissed him. I cried as i held him. I whispered in his ear that i love and missed him. He said after the meeting we are going to talk. I heard from behind me "Welcome everyone are we ready to get started". I walked towards the door not looking behind me knowing who it was. He spoke

"Baby girl, where are you going we are about to start." The voice said behind me. Where make me stop in my track. 

"Baby girl" I said as i turn around. "Im not your baby girl and im not staing to listen to the trash you are going to say or put in our heads. Im not going ti stay to listen and i dont want to listen because daddy i dont care anymore. Im leaving have a good talk." As I turn on my heels to leave and i hear gasps as like i disrespect the god they think he is. 

"Is this because of our talk the other time we had a discussion about the school. im not changing my mind so please sit down so we can start." He asked 

"NO im not im leaving" I said and i walked out. I slammed the door behind me. I walked right up the the bedroom and lay down. I was so mad. 

Draco came into the room and cuddle next to me. I must of dozed off because he woke me up. 

"How was the meeting" I asked 

"Same old thing. Kill Harry blah blah blah" He smiled at me and we cuddle and i went back to sleep.


Sorry its been a while. But soon it will be finished hope your enjoying the story 

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