Chapter 15

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We went to the common room after dinner. Harry and Ron asked how was I? I told them I was fine why? They seemed worried that I was eating a lot for my size. I asked them if they was calling me fat? 

Ron freaked out and said, "No, never why would you think that.

"Because you seen to be implying that I'm eating to much? I know I'm eating a lot maybe I'm just not shy anymore to eat in front of people now? Mhmm ever think of that," I was pissed that they was calling me fat.

Hermione was backing me up. I never seen her so mad. Cursing the boy and saying we can eat as much as we want and dont need a guy judging us. Ginny even said thats rude to say to a girl. All the girl in the common room had words for Harry and Ron. Neville even told them that's not cool man. I kind of felt bad after a while, but the did it to themselves.

After the big blow out in the common room it was time for bed. I went to the bathroom to check on my belly. I relies that my appearance was changing my face looked fatter and my boobs got really big even tho I had the spell on I see why the boy was concerned. But I was so happy with how well the baby growing. 

Ginny walked in the bathroom was shocked. Wow Raven either I'm still asleep or you look five months pregnant. I turned around from facing her saying she was sleeping maybe she should rub her eyes. As she was doing that I put the spell in my belly. She believe she was dreaming. I got to remember to lock the bathroom door. I wont be able to keep it a secret if I don't lock the door. 

Next morning it was time for breakfast and Neville sweet little heart will be broke. I decide to tell him before we go to the great hall. That I was dating Draco and he was going to tell the everyone.

"Was I a joke to you?" He said through tears

"No I like you, your sweet and I still wanna go on the date with you." I said holding his hand.

He pulled his hand away, "No I don't, thanks for not making a fool of me in the Great Hall".

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I'm not going to breakfast. Ill still be friend but that it. I should of know someone was pretty as you wouldn't choose me over Malfoy." He said with anger in his voice.

"What?" I said 

"I seen you two the other day. Thought you was telling him that you was going on a date with me, but I cant believe I was stupid." he said as he walked away.

I felt so bad all I wanted to do was comfort him. I did like him, but Draco is having a baby with me. I didn't know what to do. But there wasn't anything I could do. So it was now time to get this over with. In the Great Hall Draco was waiting for me.

 "Raven, wanna come join me up here for our announcement. " He asked

I made my way to the front. Kind of hard to not to when your greeted with something like that sure I told him. I was kind of not ready for this. I thought it was not really necessary. I walk on the little platform thing and Draco grabbed my hand.

"Raven and I are in love. We are dating and I don't want no one other then this beautiful girl next to me. I love her with everything in me. I want everyone know this." He said. He so happy. I was happy it was out there but I knew I was never going to hear end of it. Then out of no where he grabbed me and kissed me in front of everyone. I heard so many gasp and whoo. I heard someone yell you stupid bitch. ill ruin you. I looked and it was Pansy. I was freaking out because she knew who I was. She came by a few times with her dad.  I told Draco that. He said that ill be fine. He will handle her. She crazy anyways no one will believe her and your in Gryffindor so no one will suspect. 

After Breakfast and all the excitement I met Draco and Snape in Snape office. We will find out what I'm having. When we got to the house everything was ready. I layed down, I didn't kow how I was going to react. I wanted a boy. Didn't matter tho. Both Draco and my mom was with me. My daddy didn't really care what I was having. The doctor came in and  the ultrasound he came back as I was having a.... GIRL!!! I was super excited and Draco was crying in excitement. My mom was just worried for her. 

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