Chapter 7 - Shaun the Sheep

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The school bell rang, alarming all students.

"Dude, where is Wyatt?" Adrian ran up to AJ and Jacob, who were walking to morning assembly.

"Don't you remember last night?" AJ suddenly stopped.

"Umm, did you see the amount of drugs there? I don't even know how I am alive." Adrian snickered.

"What about you, JP?" AJ turned towards Jacob, who smirked at his phone while texting.

Jacob glanced up from his phone, he grinned "I was with your sister, Courtney."

Adrian clapped his hand, praising Jacob, while AJ stared at both of the boys with no expression on his face.

"Did you guys even know that Shaun was there?" AJ mumbled and continued to walk.

"Shaun, your Shaun?" Jacob was confused, you can tell by his eyebrows, they were raised, and his eyes were full of fear.

"He was at the party?" Adrian looked into space trying to remember last night, but all he could think of was Amy.

"So, what happened, at the party?" Adrian asked very interested.

"Shaun knocked out Wyatt." AJ opened the large, school hall doors and walked in, the boys followed behind. The hall was filled with silence, only a few students were already at their seats. Everybody is probably still wasted from last night.

"Sh*t!"Adrian broke the silence, all eyes were facing him. While Jacob was just speechless, his face was full of shock.

"But don't worry, I knocked Shaun out." AJ smirked proudly.

"You were supposed to stay away from him." Adrian whispered loudly for the boys to hear, but quiet enough for the rest of the people not to hear.

Jacob angrily said "Why is he still after you though, I thought we settled it last time."

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