Chapter 4 - High School Sweethearts

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Jacob and Courtney were always the high school sweethearts. When they were in middle school, Jacob would come to AJ's house in excuse to see his twin sister, Courtney, and ever since then everyone knew that Jacob and Courtney were an item, but they did not become official until freshman year.


It was nearly the end freshman year, the final match of the basketball season, against Oceanside High School. Jacob was the only freshman in the team, due to his lankiness.

Time was running out, it was the last sixty seconds of the match, the other team were winning by only one point, they had to win or else they would lose, to the public school, they just had to save their schools reputation, a private school, can't lose to the PUBLIC school.

Time was running out, it was the last thirty seconds of the match, the other team had a genuinely, high standard defence ability. Their blocking skills, were just hard to beat. Until finally, Oakwood team had gotten the ball to our side of the court.

Time was running out, it was the last ten seconds of the match, there was no-one to pass too, only Jacob, who was just a freshman, who was just put on the team because he was a substitute player, who was just standing there, motionless, not even concentrating on where the ball was.

Time ran out.

The match finished.

Jacob had shot the ball into the hoop, Oakwood had won.

Oakwood Academy was roaring with pride, passion and purpose. They were beatific, they just could not imagine what they just saw with their eyes. A loser, now champion, scored in the quickest time ever.

The team raced up to Jacob, carried him through the corridor to the boys changing rooms, which smelt of sweat from over twenty metres away, then dropped him down before going, but they still cheered as they went it, and some of them patted hard on Jacob's back.

Jacob couldn't believe it himself, he only got on the team so he can see Courtney cheer lead, as perverted as that sounded, Courtney was sprinting towards Jacob, with triumph and exhilaration, then jumped on Jacob, luckily he caught her.

For that split moment, they gawked at each other, then smacked each others lips together for a kiss.

After that they became the sweethearts of the school, and were named 'the couple that will last forever'.


It was finally here, Wyatt's big party, everyone was looking forward to it, everyone wanted to attend.

The party was held at Wyatt's LA beach house, which was close by to school.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" Courtney asked Jacob.

"You haven't been replying to my text, and when I try to talk to you, you just ignore me?"

Jacob still didn't reply.

"JP!" Courtney got his attention this time.

"I'm just," Jacob started to speak.

"What I can't hear you!" Courtney shouted as rap music blasted through the speakers.

Jacob thought about the situation he was in right now, he couldn't do that to Courtney now, he'll just wait another moment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I ignored you." He explained to Courtney.

"I thought you were upset with me for some random reason." Courtney was nearly going to tear up.

Jacob went in for a hug, and stroked her silky, straight hair. "I just have a lot of things on my mind, I'm sorry I took it out on you."

"I know something that would get your mind of your problems." Courtney gave a flirtatious look, and Jacob smirked following her behind.

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