Styles Apprentice

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She strolled in like she owned the place.

Fucking apprentices.

They think their amazing just because they are studying to be a spy apprentice, god.

The girl walked straight towards her desk.

She was pretty I guess, light brown eyes and dark hair down to her waist. She wasn't skinny, she had a beautiful body. Curves and boobs.

I read her name on her name tag on her jacket.

Leona Charmwells. Very different I suppose.

I was snapped out of my own thoughts as I heard someone shout my name.

"Harry! Harry! I don't pay you to slack around!" It was my boss Mr Neeson, behind me, pushing me by shoulder.

"Yeah sir, I understand sorry."

He walked around me and stood directly in front of me, blocking my view.

"See that girl?" Mr Neeson said, pointing towards Leona.

"Yeah what about her?" I shrugged.

"Bring her and yourself to my office in five, we need to talk." He said, before leaving me to talk to this stranger.

I walked towards Leona's desk, she was sat on her chair, reading through some files, not even noticing my appearance.

"Hello." I said arrogantly, Leona looked up at me and grinned. Completely ignoring my arrogance.


She had a beautiful smile, her eyes focusing on my tattoos and piercings.

"Well Mr Neeson wants us two in his office right now I think?" I said, staring at her laptop.

She was looking at some pictures of tattoos on google. She noticed my eyes staring at her laptop screen.

"I'm thinking of getting a tattoo."

"I can tell." I smirked.

She nodded then stood up from her chair,

"I forgot to even ask your name. I'm Leona by the way."


"Cool, uhm should we head to the office?"

"Yeah whatever."

We had to get the lift to upstairs for Mr Neeson's office and I felt awkward with Leona.


His lip ring. Gosh, I'd devour his lips, his breath of cool mint and What am I saying!

Urgh, I've only known the guy for five minutes. But he has something about him that's enticing. Well he is a spy, so obviously that's interesting.

Harry's tattoos and piercings didn't shock me at all, his tattoos looked like each one had a meaning and he was incredibly good looking with his piercings.

I walked with him to the lifts, we didn't talk at all, his eyes were focusing on me up and down. I coughed on purpose, and he turned his head away from me to press the lift buttons.

"So your a spy?" I asked quietly.

"No a cleaner." Harry laughed at me cruelly.

He was so rude to me, I don't know what even is his problem ugh, so much cockiness is wanted or needed.

We stood in the lift and it was all silent. I couldn't bear the silence so I took my phone out of my pocket and started texting my friend.


She didn't even try to make conversation with me, she just started playing on her phone.

Well she did try.

She asked if I was a spy.

Well, kind of I guess.

I'm 19 and I am a spy but I don't do all the fun things as in men in black. Like we don't fight aliens if only. We just find the bad people. It's not that hard, I've been working here since I was 16. We had to go for this army thing as well, army training as a spy.

It doesn't make sense but the training as an solider does help as a spy.

The lift stopped and before I knew, Leona had already left. I was too caught up in my own thoughts. Again.

"Harry?" Leona spoke, she walked back towards me.

"Don't you have any plan in moving from this lift?"

She laughed at her silly joke which I found terrible.

"Im sorry lets just go." Leona said, stifling her giggles.

I rolled my eyes at her and walked to the Mr Neeson's office as Leona was behind me, following.

We walked towards the door, I opened it for Leona as she walked in and followed.

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