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(Levi's POV)

Day by day, I got to know (Y/N) better in my wolf form. She actually cared about me a lot. She always shows that she trusts me and I trust her. She's the most kindest human I've ever met. Most humans try to capture me or shoot me but (Y/N) helps me, feeds me and bathes me.

Recently, she's been trying to find the rest of my pack, helping me to get home. When (Y/N), left to bathe at the Falls, I got lost in my train of thoughts.

If I show her who I really am, a half man half beast, will she accept me? Will she send me to a facility and let other humans cut me open? No. I trust her. I'll unleash my true form tonight before she sleeps.

Suddenly, I heard an ear-piercing scream.



Right then, I knew she was in trouble. I tracked her down with my nose, following her scent.
I found her at the Falls, trying her best to cover her nude body, while two men and three blood hounds surrounded her.

"C'mon little lady. We already saw that sexy body of yours. Let's show you ours and give you a night to remember." One of the sneered as the other took off his clothes.
(Y/N) tried to run but the hounds barked at her, making her back away in fear.

Oh, these bastards are dead!

I howled with all my might making them turn their heads towards me. I jumped in the water, scaring off the dogs.

"John, why the hell is there a wolf protecting that lady?"

"I don't know, Hudson. But we better get the hell outta here!"

They grabbed their clothes and ran off. Tch, cowards.
"You, you saved me." She choked out. I looked deep into her eyes and nowhere else and saw that her eyes became glassy. She must have been scared.

"Thank you." She said, smiling as the tears rolled down her eyes.

"No problem" I replied. Her eyes widened and gasped.

"You can talk?"

"Yeah. Since I was little."

"Okay I KNOW I'm not going crazy. Am I?" She said.

I chuckled. "No you're not. And I wanted to say thank you for helping me that day and the other days before today. Right now, I wanted to show you my true form because I trust you more than anyone else."

(Your POV)

I was pretty surprised that the wolf can talk. He said something about trusting me and showing me his true form. What form?

"I trust you too." I told him.

He turned around and his body began to shine in the moonlight. His two front feet became human hands and his legs became human. His head grew smaller and showed a handsome face with black hair that has an undercut. His eyes remained the same: grey-blue.

Although, the black wolf ears and tail remained.
He's so handsome. I thought.

When he faced me, his cheeks turned pink and immediately looked away.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

"You're....um...*ahem* not...um...wearing anything." He muttered.

"Oh? Oh! You're right! I'm sorry. I'll go wear something!" I ran away embarrassed.

(Timeskip brought to you by Levi's blushing face)

We just sat down next to each other, not saying anything.

"So, um...what's your name?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Levi. Levi Ackerman."

"Okay, Levi. Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? Do you not trust me?"

"No! I trust you completely, it's just that, I was scared that something might happen. I wanted to tell you at the right time and the right place. Truth be told, I never expected to....you know."

"Oh, I get it. So tell me about yourself, you already know a lot about me of course."

"Ok. Well, as you can see, I'm a wolf. But not just any wolf, I'm an Alpha. Alphas are a clan of exeptionaly strong wolves that are good at everything. We Alphas also have a soft side, but some are cold, bitter and blood thirsty creatures, either way, anyone can rely on Alphas.

But there's another wolf clan called Omegas. One thing for sure, you can never trust an Omega. They are terrible. They are pretty much the opposites of Alphas. Most of my clan were killed because of them. Even my mother. Another terrible thing about Omegas is that they can hypnotize anyone or anything and use the strength of that creature and turn him or her against Alphas. They even took my sister, Mikasa.

I've hated Omegas ever since. I swore that we will take them down and take back the ones we love. But the problem is, I'm losing my strength. I'm scared that one day, they'll kill me and the remaining clan and destroy what's left of anything." He said.

I know what I have to do.

I grabbed his hand. "Levi. I'll lend you my strength. I'll help you every step of the way!" I looked deep into his eyes.

"(Y/N), I-"
"Before you say anything, I want to do this. I want to help you and your clan. But first, I want to meet them."

"(Y/N), I respect your decision. Thank you so much."
He then grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"L-Levi?!" I said blushing.
"A kiss on the hand means loyalty and gratefulness according to the conditions of the Alpha clan. Do you accept this, (Y/N)-san?"


"Y-Yeah, sure." I flushed.

"You're face is red. Are you sick?" Levi asked.
"W-well, I-"
"Because if you are, then I'll be heart broken." He said as his wolf ears drooped.

"N-No, I'm fine. It's just the mist." I lied.

His ears perked up again. "Oh thank God. You had me worried there."

What am I gonna do about him? I thought as I smiled warmly.

"Let's go (Y/N)-san. We got a big day tomorrow." He said.

"Right." We left off to the cave to sleep. Levi slept in his wolf form and nuzzled up to me.

Kawaii. I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

Alpha And Omega (Wolf Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now