Nothing like us

660 31 13

⚠This chapter will have smut in it, If you don't feel comfortable reading such then please do not read it, for those who will read, enjoy ~ ;) ⚠

ps: I'll put a waring when it will start since it basically starts in the end.


I woke up hours later, feeling something pressed up against my own body, I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Taehyung laying next to me.
I immediately smiled as I saw him, snuggling up to him more what make him hug me closer to him. I looked up and looked around in the room, this isn't my room.. where am I?..

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked around the room, It looked kind of familiar but as I saw the IV's In my arm o realized I was in the hospital, I can't remember how I got here.


I shook Taehyung to get him to wake up. But only soft groans could be heard from him as I shook him, I pouted and kept shaking him but stopped once he opened his eyes.

"Waeeyoo.. "

" H-hyung.. why am I at the hospital again..? "

Taehyung had sighed at my question and had played with my hair while his other hand was in mine, I looked down and fumbled around with his sleeves.

" You were throwing up blood again Jungkook, your Umma called an ambulance and they brought you back here.. "

I sighed and nodded at Taehyung.

" D-did they say a-anything..? "

I looked up at him and frowned as tears were rolling down his cheeks, hugging him tightly.

" J-jungkook.. they made new tests... and the results showed you got worse.. and only have two days left.. basically tomorrow is your last day.. "

My eyes widened, I can't believe this is happening, that I have less than 48 hours to live..

" I-i don't want to die h-hyung..!"

I cried out, gripping onto Taehyung's shirt as I cried into it.

"I-i know I-i don't want you either.. I-i wish I could give y-you my life.."

"N-no don't s-say that! I-it would b-be worse w-what would I do
t-then w-without y-you in my life.."

Darkness Inside Me         »Vkook»          [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now