Chapter Four

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Content is how I felt. Like I was floating on a cloud or in reality a really soft pillow. I heard my mother making bacon downstairs and the birds from my window. I open my eyes groggily, and see my door, but something was different. My door was white with a cheap circular handle that comes off every few days. This was a double door with gold plates and a ornamented handle. The bed I was in was a King with a canopy on top of it. The sizzle was not from my mother cooking but from a breakfast set out beside my bed.

It all came back to me then, like a rush, a wave, I was kidnapped. I jump out of bed and start trying to get out. I open the window but the sky was just a screen behind it, I tore it away and it revealed a brick wall. Next I try the door but that was locked tight. I tried karate kicking it twice but I got nothing. Next I try screaming, and screaming until my lungs hurt. I sat on the bed and a weird smell came from the vents, soon I felt myself drifting off again.

'I really need to stop getting drugged' I thought before I drifted.


I woke up once more in the strange room, but this time the Alpha man was next to me. At first, I smile at the sight of him but as soon as I regain my senses, I try to punch him but find my hands are tied to the bedpost.

"I knew you'd try to harm me the instant you saw me, these were just a precaution." He said. I tried to speak but nothing came out, result of my earlier screaming.

"You must be confused." He said, I narrowed my eyes at him. "I was as well. How could such a small weak thing push me back." I stopped struggling and looked up at him, I was curious as well.

"See the marking inside your wrist," he lifted my hand and turned it over. I felt sparks where he touched. "It's a symbol of my people, it means you and I are two halves of a soul."

No no no no, I knew what he was going to say, it wasn't good, it was nearly impossible, I thought they were just legends!

"We're mates kitten."

I shook my head fiercely, and noticing my distress and obvious disscontempt he took my hands out of their cuffs. I rubbed them, trying to bring feeling back into the pale skin.

"That's  just  a myth," I said hoarsely, but in my mind I knew it was true. I looked at my inner wrist again and said the name imprinted forever on it. "Ash."

"Actually Prince Ash BloodMoon, that's my name, don't wear it out," he said with a smile in a very humanlike manner. I couldn't help but laugh at the impossibility of it all. We were taught about mates of course, but in a mystical 'there's no way these could actually exist sort of way.

"Well Prince Ash, I Raeanna Knight reject you Ash Bloodmoon."

He stood there for a second, completely dumbfounded, then started to laugh...LAUGH!

It took him a few seconds to regain composure until he finally said,

"Doesn't work like that kitten, mates are suppose to be the final solution, that rejection thing is just a myth, why would anyone reject their true love?"

I glared at him, "We are not in love Ash." I said seriously.

"Maybe not now, but someday, I am sorry to say you're stuck with me Rae."



This was just Rae's POV but I'll be sure to add some of Ash's next time! Do you guys like Ash and Rae? What do you think is gonna happen next?

Next Chapter will be out soon!

XO Shelby Grace

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