Chapter Fourteen

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We've been at the rogue compound for a week.

After Ash's brilliant idea to overthrow his parents, the rogues have been abuzz with plans.

The second day, they sent a squadron to protect my families village from the King's attack. I gave them a note for my father and mother so they would know that the rogues were on our side. Even though I knew they were being protected, I longed to see my parent's faces again. I missed Addie and Clarissa's hugs and fooling around with Brady and Michael. But I was here with Ash, and that made it better.

Not like I ever saw him though.

He was in meetings all day and only came into our room when I was fast asleep. I tried waiting up, but I was every bit as exhausted as he was.

I spent all day training with Angelika, Holland, and Nova. They helped me quicken my reflexes, and I taught them everything I knew about how to dismantle a werewolf.

Finally, after being at the compound for four days, I literally ran into Ash.

"Ooof" I grunted as I walked straight into him, it was like walking straight into a brick wall, I would have fallen had he not caught me.

"Rae!" he exclaimed as if surprised to see me. His hair was disheveled; his eyes were red. It was evident that this week had taken a toll on him.

"Fancy seeing you here," I said, for some reason, this was awkward.

"Sorry, I know I've been busy."

"Yeah, sort of feels like you are avoiding me!" I said, trying to sound like I was joking, but one look on his face told me that is exactly what he has been doing.

"You're avoiding me?" I asked, suddenly feeling very small.

"Rae, I have a meeting." He said trying to move past me.

"No! We are talking about this now!" I said blocking his path. "Ash, Why are you avoiding me?"

"I am putting together a plan to kill my parents. I am about to wage war on all of werewolf kind. I am already putting you in danger by loving you; I will not have you any more involved. If that means staying away from you as this plays out, so be it."

"You love me?" I asked, forgetting everything else he just said.

"What?" he asked, as if not knowing what I am referring to.

"You said 'I am already putting you in danger by loving you,'... you love me."

"Rae...." he began to speak.

"Wait," I said, holding a finger to his lips, "I love you too."

His eyes went wide, "You do?"

"Yes. You are smart, strong, pretty handsome if I do say so myself. You recognized what your parents are doing is wrong and you are fixing it. When I first met you, I just saw this cold-hearted alpha prince with no regard for human life. I mean, you did try to kill me. But look at you now, you've changed! I love you; I love you so much." I said, finally pressing my lips to his. They were soft and hesitant at first, as he absorbed the words I said, but then he wrapped his arms around my waist, tilted his head, and deepened the kiss.

"I love you too," he breathed against my lips.

"Ash! You ready to begin?" called Apollo from the meeting room.

"In a second," Ash called back. He gave me one last, earth-shattering kiss, then went into the meeting.


That night, Ash managed to make it to our room before I fell asleep.

"Ash, can I talk to you about something?"
"Sure," he said, skeptically.

"I want to go home. I want to see my parents and help organize them for the war...."

"No.," he said, cutting me off.





"Why not..."

"RAE!" He said, scaring me. "You will not leave the compound."

"Why not?"

"I can't protect you out there. One of my parent's guards can easily kill you."
"I'll bring Nova and Bellamy. That is not the only reason you don't want me to go. Tell me, Ash."

He took a big breath, "What if your parents turn you against me. What if you love being home so much that you leave and never come back?"

I laughed. I didn't mean to, but that reason was just too ridiculous.

"Really Rae? You're not helping."

"I'm....sorry...." I said, barely getting the words out through my giggles. "That is... just too ridiculous!"

"Rae." He said in his warning tone.

"I'm serious! I love you, Ash! What can I do to prove that I will not leave you?"
He stared at me. As if trying to decide whether or not to say anything.

"I could mark you." He finally said.


"It used to be when a wolf found his mate, he would mark her neck. It would be a sign for other men to stay away. The mark also enhances the mate's abilities and creates a mind link between the mates. It would be even stronger since I am an Alpha Prince." he said.

"So if I let you mark me, I will be faster, stronger, be able to communicate with you in my mind, AND you'll let me go to my parents?" I said he nodded as I listed out the benefits of marking.

"Then why didn't we do this before?!" I exclaimed.

"I was worried it would have a different effect on you because you are human, also I didn't want to do it until I was sure you loved me back."

"When did you realize you love me, Ash?"

"I think it was probably the first time I saw you cry at the palace. After seeing you cry once, I never wanted to see it again. It's why I stayed away so much. I didn't like how it made me feel so awful when I saw you cry."

I walked up slowly to Ash, lifted my shirt up so that all I was wearing was my tank top.

"Please mark me, Ash."

He took my face in his hands, kissed me once on the lips and continued down my neck, trailing kisses all the way down. He stopped where my neck met my collarbone. I felt his teeth elongate and suddenly bite into my neck.

"Ahhhh!" I exclaimed, the pain was searing but then, it was gone. I warm pleasurable feeling spread from where his teeth bit into my neck, and I couldn't help the moan I let out. He retracted his fangs and kissed the spot where his mark now was placed forever.


Happy Tuesday!

Yay! She is finally marked and the action is just beginning :)

Thank you for 11.6K views! Every time I see the number of reads go up, the more motivated I am to write more!

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I love love love love love you all,

XOXO Shelby Grace

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