Chapter Ten

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My door bursts open as I'm putting books on my bookshelf, and three familiar boys walk in, making me jump.

"Hey guys," I say.

"Get dressed," Connor orders.

"Why?" I ask.

"You and I are going to a concert together."

"What about Arielle?" I ask.

"Why do you think these two goons are here?" he asks, jabbing his thumb in their direction.

"Uncle Toby!" Arielle yells, jumping in his arms.

"Hey there, Squirt. Uncle Riley and I are going to take care of you tonight while Mommy and Daddy go out, okay?" he asks her.

"Like a date?!" she squeals. I look over at Connor, and he cocks an eyebrow, asking.

"Yeah, like a date."

*     *     *

"I'm almost ready!" I call out.

"Alright, I'll just wait downstairs," Connor says, and I hear him walk down the hallway. I finish my waterfall braid and swipe on some red lipstick. I look in my full length mirror and study my outfit.

I'm wearing a loose tank top that says "CRAZY MOFOS", a leather jacket, ripped lightwash jeans, and black vans. My infinity tattoo that's on my wrist is visible, and my makeup is just mascara, foundation, and some lipstick. (A/N: Outfit's on the side. I would like to point out that Foster's hair is longer than the girl's hair in the last chapter. Also subtract the purse and the phone case) I put my phone in my pocket before leaving my room, closing the door behind me.

I start to descend the stairs, and I notice Connor stand up from the couch. His eyes never leave me as I get closer and closer to the first floor. He seems to be in shock when he sees me.

"Connor, are you okay?" I ask when I reach him. He shakes his head as if he's bringing his mind back.

"Yeah, it's just that...this is the first time I'm seeing you with your hair down," he says.

"Oh  God, does it look bad?" I ask, panicking.

"No, you look beautiful, like always," he says with a smile, and I feel my stomach turn in happiness.

"Alright, you two. Go before you miss the concert," Riley says, pushing us towards the door. We laugh at him and leave, driving to the venue.

"Wait, who's the band?" I ask. Before he can answer, I see the sign that displays the band.

"All Time Low?! You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaim.

"You wish I was. Come on."

We get out of the car, and he walks right up to the security guard. He shows him something, and they let us in. He takes me to the front of the stage, and after a few seconds, somebody wraps their arm around my neck and puts their hand over my mouth. I panic and elbow them in the stomach.

"Jack, I told you that wouldn't be a good idea," I hear Alex say. I freeze and turn around slowly to see Alex grinning while Jack is doubled over, holding his stomach.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim.

"It's okay. At least you can defend yourself," Jack manages to wheeze out.

"Yeah, it helps when you've been in an abusive relationship for almost a year," I comment. They both stop laughing and look at me with terrified faces.

"Why haven't you dumped the loser yet?" Alex asks.

"He's in jail, and i really don't feel like seeing his face at the moment," I explain, my voice cracking. Connor wraps a protective arm around my shoulders.

"Write a letter. He can't hurt you if you write him a letter," Jack suggests.

"Or I can go with you that way you're not alone. Glass and phones separate you two," Connor tells me.

"Are you two dating?" Alex asks. We shake our heads, and I notice Connor mouth two words to them out of the corner of my eye.

"He wishes," I say, nudging his side with my elbow. Alex and Jack burst out laughing while Connor's cheeks burn.

"Guys, doors are opening in a minute," somebody warns them.

"Thanks, man. Well, we'll see you during the concert. Connor, do you have the DVD?" Alex asks.   Connor nods and takes a CD case out of his jacket pocket before giving it to him. They run to behind the stage, and I look over at Connor.

"Did you really have to say that?" he asks.

"Hey, you're the one that mouthed it to them," I say, and his cheeks start to burn again. I kiss one and turn to the stage. I hear screams as the doors open.

"By the way, what was that DVD for?" I ask.

"You'll see."

*     *     *

"Alright, this next song is dedicated to my friend, Connor McDonough, and his friend, Foster Quinn. Now, if you were there on the My Small Package tour, you'll remember Connor's band, Before You Exit. Well, he decided to make this slideshow for Foster, and we'll be playing Remembering Sunday as background music," Alex announces.

The first chords play, and a huge screen behind them lights up with a picture of Arielle and I laughing, her in my lap. I hear the crowd "aw", and I do the same. Connor's arms snake around my waist from behind, and his chin rests on my shoulder as we watch. Another picture pops up, and it's of Arielle and I making monkey faces to the camera with war paint on our faces. Everybody laughs, including me. I feel Connor's lips on my neck as he kisses it repeatedly. The feeling tickles, making me giggle.

All of a sudden, a video starts playing. I remember the video. Arielle and I are making cookies, and she's stand on a stool while I stand behind her, helping her with the ingredients. I look into the camera and smile before nudging her lightly.

"Say hi to Daddy," I say.

"Hi, Daddy! Look, we're making cookies!" she exclaims, and you can hear Connor chuckle from behind the camera.

"Can I have some cookie dough?" he asks.

"No, silly! You can wait when they're cooked," she says, trying to look serious, but she just looks adorable. Everybody in the venue laughs and awes at the same time as the song ends.

Ballet Slippers | A Connor McDonough Fanfiction *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now