Chapter 9- Who Wants To Live Forever

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Veronica sat down in front of the tombstone. She touched the name and softly cried. She had wished she met Connor, but he died before Duncan adopted her. She came here because she felt familiar with Connor. She felt like she could talk to him.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. She wanted to grab her katana, but a voice spoke that made her think twice.

"Hello, Veronica Claire Asher Macleod." The voice said.

Veronica turned towards the voice and saw a man standing before her. He had reddish hair and wore a trench coat. Walked towards Veronica and pulled her up.

"How do you know my name?" Veronica asked.

"I'm Connor Macleod, of the Clan Macleod." Connor said.

"Wait, you're dead. How is it possible that you're here?" Veronica asked.

"Well, I felt that you needed to see me in the flesh. You have many questions, and you need answers." Connor said.

"I do. Finding out you're an Immortal changes things." Veronica said.

"It doesn't change anything, Veronica. It gives you a better idea of who you are. Duncan knew of this. So did I." Connor said.

"Wait, you knew who I was before Duncan adopted me?" Veronica asked.

"It wasn't a secret. Well, it was to Duncan till he saw your mother." Connor said.

"What are you talking about?" Veronica asked.

" Veronica, you're a true Macleod. Duncan's your biological father." Connor said.

"Connor, there is no way that Duncan is my father. You're wrong." Veronica said.

"I'm not wrong, Veronica. Duncan met your mother years ago. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he ever met. He fell in love. I mean, he was willing to walk away from everything just to be with her, but he had no choice. Being an Immortal means that you will have to fight. You have to stay alive. Duncan understood that. He didn't want to hurt your mother, but he had to do what was necessary to protect her from our world." Connor spoke.

"So how did he find out? How did he know?" Veronica asked.

"The day you died." Connor said.

Duncan's Manor

Dean watched Duncan paced back and forth in his study. The look of worry planted clearly on his face. It had been two days since Veronica left the manor, and no one knew where she was. Duncan was true to his word and gave Veronica her space. Yet, he couldn't help worry about his daughter.

"Duncan, you should have a seat. She's fine. I know she is." Dean said.

"I'm not worried about Ronni. I know where she is. She's in Scotland. She went to see Connor." Duncan said.

"Connor? Who is he?" Dean asked.

"Connor Macleod. He was my mentor and trainer." Duncan said.

"Why would she go and see him?" Dean asked.

"Because she is a Macleod. Because she is my true daughter." Duncan said.

"Wait, Veronica is your biological daughter?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, she is. I didn't know about her until a few years ago. It was something I wasn't prepared for." Duncan said.

"Wait, you adopted your own daughter? I don't understand, Duncan. How is this all possible?" Dean asked.

"I watched Ronni die. Connor and I were walking through Time Square and saw her get stabbed. It was horrible. I thought she was dead, but she came back. I looked for any signs of injury, but there wasn't any. I knew she was immortal. Connor knew who she was. He knew since the day she was born. Veronica Claire Asher Macleod. Daughter of Kimberly Asher and Duncan Macleod. Dean, I didn't adopt my daughter. I took my daughter in. I taught her how to be immortal." Duncan said.

"So seeing Connor will do what?" Dean asked.

"Give her the answers she seek. She is a Macleod." Duncan said.

Highlands of Scotland

"Why did you not tell Duncan about me when you knew about me?" Veronica asked.

"You were not supposed to be born. No Immortal has ever had a child. You were the first. I did what was right by protecting you from this life. Duncan was in the dark when it came to you. When I found out that you ran away, I began looking for you. The night you died, Duncan had come to visit me. Duncan finding out he had a daughter changed everything for him. That's why he went after "The Source". He taught you everything you needed to protect yourself. He finally had something to live for. It was you, Veronica." Connor said.

"So what do I do now? How can I go back and act like nothing's changed?" Veronica asked.

"Your life is not over, Veronica. It's just beginning. You go back and fight for what's right. Fight for honor. Fight for love. Your father needs you. Roman needs you. Seth needs you. Dean needs you. The future of all Immortals is in your hands." Connor said.

Duncan's Manor

It had been five days since Veronica had left. Duncan sat in his study looking at a picture of his daughter. He saw the laughter in her eyes, totally oblivious to being an Immortal. He wished he knew what she was thinking, but The Gathering was coming. He needed to focus on preparing the guys for what's to come.

"Hey Dad." A familiar voice spoke.

"Ronni!" Duncan said as he got up.

Duncan embraced his daughter. For the first time, he was happy to see his daughter.

"I have missed you, Dad." Veronica said.

"I have missed you, too." Duncan said.

"I talked to Connor. He explained everything. I didn't know you watched me die. It must have been scary." Veronica said.

"To even know that you were my daughter hurt me even more. Ronni, I didn't turned you away because I realized that you needed me. I couldn't throw you to the wolves. I had to protect you, and I knew the only way was to teach you everything about being an Immortal. I couldn't tell you about being one because it would mean..." Duncan said.

"I would have to fight to survive and keep my head. I understand, Dad. Connor told me that I had to fight. I have to fight for honor and love, and I love you, Dad. I'm proud to be your daughter, but more importantly, I'm proud to be a Macleod." Veronica said.

"I'm proud of being your dad." Duncan said.

"Come on. We have The Gathering to prepare for." Veronica said.

"I'm right behind you." Duncan said.

"I see where she gets her strength from." Connor said as he came out of the shadows.

"She is stronger than me." Duncan said.

"Duncan, she is The Highlander. She is you now." Connor said.

"But for now, she's The Highlander's daughter. She's my daughter. I will die protecting her. Always. Duncan said.

"Then all I can say is, good luck, Duncan." Connor said.

"Godspeed, Connor." Duncan said as he walked out of his study.

"Godspeed, my Brother." Connor said as his spirit disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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