Chapter 1

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-----A/N. HEYYYYY!!! Well if you are reading this then I love you so much! I'm like new to this so please don't give up on me so fast! <3 I promise it will get better :) please share this with EVERYONE PLEASE I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!! <3 and if anyone knows how to make covers I would really appreciate it if you can make me one because idk how I suck xD well thanks again :) PLEASE READ AND TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT I PROMISE IT WILL GET BETTER I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE ^.^


Kasey is a 17 year old girl who had to leave her amazing life in California and move out to London because of her mom's new job as some bands manager. Kasey left her amazing boyfriend Niall and all her friends. Her and Niall remained close friends. But when he left to join a band they lost all contact with each other. Then one day her parents leave for a while and insist on hiring a babysitter for her. What Kasey didn't know is her mom was one directions manager... Yes... One direction... But she never heard of them until now.. And she also finds out her ex is in that group! :o she is going to have the most amazing-emotional-loving experience of her life. Will she be falling in love with someone she once was in love with? Or will she fall for someone else? And what happens when her ex-boyfriend Matthew-that killed her best friend and tried to kill her-comes back? Will he get his revenge on her or someone she loves?

Read to find out :)

Chapter 1.

Kasey's P.O.V-

I woke to the sound of banging and crashing downstairs. I get out if my bed and grab my iPhone and see that it's 5:43am and I wondered who would be up this early. After all it was Saturday and both my parents don't work today. My mom was a manager but she never told me who she managed but all I know is they are a band and British that's why we moved to London from California. They must be big because my mom makes a lot of money.

I miss my old life.

I was always the girl people loved. I had an amazing boyfriend, amazing friends, and all my family was there. When I moved out to London me and my boyfriend Niall broke up but we stayed good friends but then he went off to join a band and I never heard from him since...

But that doesn't matter I'm living in the moment and I might not be as happy and joyful as I was before but I made the best of it.

Then another loud bang woke me up from my thoughts. I quickly walk towed the noise that was coming from my parents room. I grab the nearest object I could find and slowly walk up to the door and open it quickly and throw whatever it was that I grabbed.

"Oww!!" My mom yelled.

"I'm so sorry mom I thought you were getting robbed" I answered embarrassingly.

She picked up the thing I threw and started laughing. "Kasey why did you throw a toothbrush at me?"

I look at it and begin to feel stupid thinking like that would save my mom if she was being robbed. "I'm so sorry" I answered laughing. "I grabbed the first thing I got ahold of in my room"

"You are something else Hun.."

I blushed and glanced at what she was doing. "Mom why are you packing? And why are there fancy clothes thrown everywhere?"

She looks up at me and stopped packing and answered me "look kasey" she guides me to my parent's bed and she sits as I do the same "me and your sad are going to be out of town for a while we need to go do something involving my job"

"How long will you be gone?" I ask while my mind fills with a million more questions.

"We don't know but you are about to turn 18 so I think you will be fine here while we are gone" she said as she kissed my forehead.

"Yea I will be fine alone I can handle myself" I say as I flex my muscles...just kidding what am I thinking I have no strength whatsoever.

My mom pulls away from her hug and stares at me with a little smile "kasey do you really think we would leave you alone" she began to laugh.

"Mom I'm about to be 18!"

"Honey, we already got you a baby sitter" I look at her with a face that in indescribable. "He is one of the guys in the band I manage and I trust him with all my heart" she smiled.

"Mom I don't need a babysitter"

"Look our flight leaves in an hour and we really need to go its too late to cancel now he will be here a little after we leave" she says as she grabs her suitcase and runs down the stairs and meets my dad at the door.

"We love you honey and stay safe" my dad says as he kissed my forehead.

"Call us anytime and you have your credit card and your car so you should be fine" she also kissed my cheek.

"Okay I love you guys too" I hugged them both and they walk out the door and into their limo that will take them to the airport.

"Your babysitter should be here in about an hour okay" my mom yelled with the window down.

"Okay. Come back soon" I wave as they leave and I go inside and shut the door.

I had about an hour so I decided to take a warm shower and change into my clothes.

I lay out what I want to wear today. It was a bit warm so I decided to wear some light capris and a pink crop top and some converse.

I plug in my phone to my iHome and put my favorite on shuffle as "Acapella" by Karmin comes on.

I go in the shower and when I get out I change into my clothes and go to my bathroom and plug in my pink wand and let it heat while I put on a coat of mascara and some blush and applied some light pink gloss. I never really liked putting on lots of make-up I was more of the natural looking make-up. Then I began to loosely wave my hair with the wand.

When I finish I go to the kitchen and grab a yogurt and go up to my room and open up my laptop and go on YouTube to watch some videos then I saw a video that caught my eye. It was a video of some band called "One Direction" I clicked on it because one of the boys caught my eye...someone who looked just like... OMG IT WAS NIALL! What was he doing there! Appearantly his band was HUGE because there were a lot of screaming girls. I knew Niall left California to join a band but I never thought it would be this big! Why haven't I heard of them before? I must admit they were all EXTREMELY hot.

Niall has changed a lot. He now has braces, his blonde hair was in a little like wave up on his head, and he dresses amazingly. All the boys seemed amazing. I wanted to learn more about them so I keep surfing the web about them and come across and interview that was about 2 weeks ago. I watched with all my attention to the screen .

And then in the middle of an interview they begin to all about their wonderful manager and then my mom walks out and I nearly choke on my yogurt as the doorbell rings.

While I walk downstairs I think about what I just saw!

MY MOM IS ONE DIRECTIONS MANAGER!!!! Why didn't she tell me!

.... Wait... My mom said one of the guys she manages is going to babysit me... OH MY GOSH!!! I then speed up my pace downstairs and I start hating that there are lots of steps.

Then I slowly open the door and BAM!

There in front of me stood the one and only Louis FREEKIN Tomlinson!

He is standing there smiling at me as he pulls his hand from holding his suitcase and puts it out in front if me and says "Hello love. Im louis. Looks like I'm going to be you babysitter for a while"

I slowly shake his hand and that's when I stopped breathing.

---A/N. well here it is my first ever chapter :D lol :) please share this :* and PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT <3 you can message me too I'm always here to talk <3 ---

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