Chapter 11

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Kasey P.O.V.-

Me and Harry were talking for what seemed like minutes but when I pulled my phone out I saw that it was almost 5:30! We've been talking for like 4 hours! Where'd the time go?

"Hey Harry it's almost 5:30!" I say putting my phone back in my pocket.

He looks at his watch "Oh my god! We should get going." He says looking around trying to figure out where we were.

"It's no use I have no idea where we are and you don't either!" I say pacing starting to panic. We were literally in the middle of no where!

I felt his hand on my shoulder "Kasey calm down it's going to be okay."

"What if it isn't Harry what if we never get home. What if we end up killed. What if- what if we're like in Ireland and we don't even know it!"

He starts laughing "I don't think you can get from London to Ireland by walking for 4 hours."

I turn back to face him and tell him something but I got interrupted by something clicking behind me and freeze afraid to turn around.

"You get in the van and I want the girl on the floor!" I turn to see a figure with a black hoodie and a black ski mask covering his face but his eyes looked familiar.

"Put the gun down and let her go." I see Harry tell him softly.

The guy aims the gun at Harry "You keep your mouth shut and get in the van or I shoot you too!" He says and aims it back at me.

I start crying. "P-please l-let us g-go."

"Shut up!" He yells making me shake even more. He motions Harry to the van and Harry walks in slowly.

Then he pushes me to the floor and I see him aiming the gun at me. I see a scar on his hand that looked VERY familiar. Trying to figure out who it reminded me of was the last thing on my mind. I was freaking out praying he would let us go.

He puts his hand on the trigger and I close my eyes still crying and shaking and wishing I could just turn back time.

I hear a gunshot but I don't feel anything and I look up to see Niall on top of the man and both of them punching and fighting. Then I scream even more and I see Harry jump out of the van and goes and pulls Niall off the guy and the guy is unconscious because Harry accidentally hit him with the door while he opened it.

Niall and Harry both run over to me still sitting on the floor crying and shaking.

"Kasey are you alright?!?!" Niall and Harry said in unison worryingly.

They both try to pick me up but I just shoo their hands away. I just wanted to sit here and calm down.

I still can't get over the fact that the man looked awfully familiar. And why did he want to hurt me? And how did he even find us! We are literally in the middle of no where!

What was Niall doing here anyways?

"Niall how did you find us?" I say looking up at him.

He looks at his feet "well...I erm...I kinda was following you guys." He says beginning to scratch the back of his neck nervously.

Me and Harry look at him with a shocked face.

"Why Niall?" I say.

"Because I-I can't trust you with Harry." He said.

Harry's eyes send a glare to Niall.

I stand up. "What's so wrong with Harry?"

"He's not your type Kasey."

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