2 New beginnings exist when you take risks

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Light seeps through the dark shaded curtains as I slowly reach a state of being awake. Pain is shot through my body (as it is everyday), but I make no sudden movement to ease myself. At this point in life I've stopped caring of what attacks me-there's a reason why pain tolerance exists in oneself. What also exists is a mask that consoles pain, but, the pain that runs through my heart can never be tamed.

I slowly lift my head up to foresee smudges of blackness all over my old white pillow case. I take a moment to understand what had caused it to have it's own face, and not a pretty one. Better looking than mine actually. Sighing, I push the now ruined pillow aside and climb off my bed towards my bathroom. The first thing I see is a scary looking chick staring back at me.

Mascara running down my face, blood shot eyes, frizzy hair, and chapped lips.

My life is a mess.

Taking a piece of toilet paper, I wet it and rub it under my eyes, and slowly begin to fix all of myself before heading downstairs and facing another nightmare.

I exit the bathroom and go straight to my rusty closet. Our house isn't as big as most people's houses; might as well call it a small shack.

I fetch out my old go-to grey hoodie and washed out black jeans. I have 7 t-shirts in total that are either shrunk or ripped, and 2 snug hoodies. My dad has been very occupied to work most of the time-so I try to save the money we have left by not shopping for any new clothes. Also, I've been trying to get a job, but who would want an inexperienced little 17 year old working for them? I can't let that bring me down though, i've got to try and make things work in my life, for once.

I head down the squeaky stairs and stealthily drag my feet to the kitchen to grab some orange juice.

After the healthy breakfast with the containment of liquidized fruit, I ran straight for the door before he catches me.

"Emily darling!" the devil calls out right when I grab the front doors knob.

I held my breath as I slowly felt his presence emerging towards me.

"Come here" my father commands.

I rotate my body around only to witness the man gripping his new belt in his bare hands and stretching it as if wanting it to be longer than actual size.

Why me?

I live everyday only to be beaten alive by a man that once told me that he loved me every night before going to sleep, by a man that once kissed all my sadness away when I'd cry, by the first man that I've every loved. I want that man back; the man that I used to know. I want my dad back.

Mentally, I count the seconds in my head for the time that passes by. I stand on spot and look at him smiling at me wickedly, enjoying my fear. All nostalgia of the past clear from his vision, mind and heart.

He's going to kill me for doing this, but I have been through enough since yesterday with Noah. I need a break. I will deal with this drunk asshole later.

After counting to 22 seconds I disobey his order, twist the crusty handle of the front door and close it shut on my way running out.

I can here his loud booming screams as the steps of my feet quicken by the second. I am nowhere near home but I keep running, my lungs pumping rapidly as I show no sign of stopping anytime soon, running faster, my chest burns as I gasp for oxygen but the pressure allows the intake to imitate difficulty. Finally, collapsing on a dead road I stop and pant loudly before taking in my surroundings.

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