Chapter 5

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Sakura opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was a pair of boots in front of her. Olive bent down and waved her hand in front of Sakura's face.

"Hello-o? You awake yet??"

Sakura pushed herself up off of the floor.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I was sitting at the table reading when I passed out. When I woke up, I saw you lying in the middle of the floor."

"I don't remember falling asleep though. I came back from my walk and you were out cold in the chair. I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't move. Next thing I know I'm waking up here."

"Maybe we were just really exhausted after today."

"I'm not sure. I think I would have at least made it to the bed. Maybe it was a system glitch?"

"I don't know. What I do know is that I feel much better than I did before," Olive stated.

"Yeah. Do you think that, maybe, it was people trying to help us, from the real world?"

"You mean like taking us to hospitals? Makes sense, but I guess we can't be completely sure."

"Your right. Come on. It's already morning, you want to go train?"


Sakura and Olive equipped their armor and left the inn. They soon found out they were not the only ones to experience the lapse of consciousness.

As the pair walked through the streets of the town towards the fields, they saw several players passed out along the streets.

"H-h-ey! I need help!"

A young girl, who looked about 12, grabbed Olive's sleeve to get her attention.

"Please help me," she pleaded, still holding Olive's sleeve.

"What do you want, kid?" Olive snapped, turning around to face the girl, who jumped back at her venomous remark.

The girl had strawberry blonde hair in a pixie cut, and her face was covered in freckles.

"Be nice!" Sakura scolded as she hit Olive's arm.

"C-can you help me, please?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's my friend. We were out walking and then she just collapsed. I don't know what happened."

"Well where is she now?" Olive asked impatiently.

"Over here," the girl said while talking Sakura's hand and leading her down the street. Olive reluctantly followed.

She led them to another girl who looked slightly older than her. The girl was crookedly propped up against the side of a building, her messy brown hair falling across her face.

"She's just asleep or something. Probably offline because her body's being taken to a hospital IRL," Olive said before turning to walk away. "Well it was nice meeting you..."


"Well, see yo--"

"Hold up," Sakura commanded while grabbing the back of Olive's collar. "We're not entirely sure that's even what happened."

"What do you mean?" Luna asked.

"The same thing happened to us last night. We just assume that it was because we were moved to a hospital. I did feel better when we woke up so it makes sense."

"Can you please let go of me?"

Sakura let go of her collar and Olive sat down next to the unconscious girl.

"What's her name anyways?"



"That's a nice name..."

"Yeah... I told her not to use it but she wouldn't listen."

Sakura stayed and talked with Luna for most of the morning, and Olive fell asleep sitting next to Genevene.

An hour or so later, Genevene finally woke up. Olive, however, was still asleep, and Sakura was not going to wake her up, because she never wakes up well.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" The girl looked up at Sakura, clearly confused.

"I'm fine, but what happened. I swear it was morning just a second ago. Why is it noon now?"

Sakura explained everything to her, what had happened to them and what they thought to be the reason why.

"I see. Well, at least everyone's okay."

Sakura reached out hear hand to help Genevene up.

"I'm Sakura, by the way. And my sleeping friend is Olive."

"I'm Genevene."

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