Chapter 1

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Olive turned around to see a tall, redhead running towards her. Her facial features were sharp and defined, like a wood elf's.

"I didn't think you would log on. You're gonna miss your date with Brian!"

"I TOLD YOU ITS NOT A DATE!!!" Olive yelled as she punched Sakura in the stomach.

"Wow," Sakura wheezed out. She was doubled over in slight pain. "You still pack a lot of power in those punches, I see. So does everyone else."

Olive was breathing heavy with frustration as she looked around her. Every other player in the plaza had stopped to stare at them. She took a deep breath, grabbed Sakura's hand, and walked calmly out of the plaza and into one of the several side streets of the Town of Beginnings.

Once they were a distance away from the crowds, she stopped and turned around to see Sakura smiling.

"What a great first impression, don't you think??"

"If we weren't in a safe zone you would be dead."

"But we are. So I guess your not getting rid of me yet!"

"Ugh." Olive cracked a small smile. "You ready??"

"You bet I am!!" Sakura smiled back.

"Then let's go, already!"


It was heading into the late afternoon and Sakura and Olive were out training together in the fields.

Olive drew back her sword as a boar charged her. The blade glowed green as the sword skills charged up. Right before the boar attacked her, she slashed her blade at the beast, killing it.

"Too bad they don't have duel wielding in SAO, huh??"

"Yeah. I missed being able to use two blades."

Sakura swiped her fingers down and opened the menu.

"Holy crap!!! It's past four!!! You're gonna be late for your date."

"I told you it's not a date," Olive sighed. "Well, I guess I've got to go then. See you later!!!"

Olive opened her menu to log out.

"What the..."

"What's wrong??"

"The log out button. It's not there!"

"That can't be right."

Sakura opened her menu and went to the options menu. In the space where the log out button should have been, it read "???".

"Try contacting the GM."

"I'm trying, but it put me on hold."

The two friends waited for quite awhile for the GM to answer them.

"Maybe we should head back to town and see if anyone there knows what's going on."

A bell tolled in the distance. Sakura jumped down from the rock she had been sitting on. As she fell, there was a glow around her. The next thing she knew, she was in the main plaza of the Town of Beginnings, falling towards someone.

"LOOK OUT!!" Was all she was able to yell before she crashed into him.

"Ow," Sakura mumbled as she tried to get up. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

The boy, who had already gotten up, helped Sakura to her feet.

He was about as tall as she was, maybe an inch taller. He had short, black hair and kind eyes.

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