The Wattpad diaries

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Okay! So you’re new to Wattapad or maybe you’ve been here forever. So you’re either in the process of understanding its complex ways (or) you already know your way about by heart (or) you’re a Ninja, saving the day yet again by going to everyone’s rescue! (Go Ninja! :D You guys are awesome \m/)

I do a lot of analyzing when I’m on Wattpad. No! It’s not because I’m a super intelligent spy doing research for my secret project Mission-X  I’m simply curious by nature and happen to spot trends and patterns and find anything out of the place interesting. This short story simply talks about our journey in Wattpad. I hope this leaves some of you smiling when you find a part that you can relate to! =]=]

I hope you share your experiences here! It’ll be a nice place to talk about what made your journey unique and you can make new friends who share something common with you! I’m sure we all agree Wattpad is a great place for friends right.

So let’s get started and go step by step.


How did you get to Wattpad:

You are:

*Mr.Hear-it-all: You probably heard about it from your best friend/worst enemy/sister/crush/girlfriend/boyfriend/some other living being.

*Mr.I'm-bored–of-being-bored: Maybe you went to Chrome store because you were super duper awesomely bored like I said, spotted Wattpad and thought “Okay! That looks nice”.

*Mr.Terrorrist: You hijacked your sisters/brothers/best friend’s laptop and thought “Jackpot! Let’s spam and make him looks like a moron! I am so smart” B)

What do you do on Wattpad:

You are:

*The writer: You write stories. That’s what all this is all about right! We’ll talk about why you do it later on! You’ll love it! =] You are the heroes of Wattpad.

*The reader: You read any and every story. You love reading. If the story touches your heart you go out of your way to script an essay if that’s how much the story meant to you. You guys are the second most important people on Wattpad (The write takes away the first spot! B)) You live in the world “The writer” made for you and you wish it was all true. You are the fans. You cry with, pray for and completely love the people who you took you along with them on that beautiful journey!

*The random fan-ner: You fan every cute guy on Wattpad. Girls we need to start fanning girls for a change. I know that would look weird. I can imagine if a girl PMd another girl and said “Hey! This is random but you’re cute so I am a fan”. People would definitely get the wrong signals (especially that guy you’ve been crushing on since first grade!) but don’t you think we girls need more fans as well! Guys since you see the difficulty we are facing right so you better try being as extra-sweet and extra-hyper as us and fan all of us as well. Come on! Let’s make this a win-win! :P

*The Ninja: Ah! I love you guys! You’re sweet and smart and funny and awesome. You Ninja . You awesome!  You know how it felt when you first arrived on Wattpad and someone said “Hi!” making you feel extra special! You take time out to clarify the most idiotic doubts of the lot because you probably had the same one when you arrived. You are Ninja! It says it all!

* Someone(Usually The handsome guy): You came, You saw, You got fans and you lived happily ever after. In the meanwhile while I tried to look for ways to spam your account and transfer your fans from your account into mine. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work! Not as yet atleast. Okay okay! I was kidding. I don’t want the ninja’s to go kung-fu on me now!  Lol.

Why are you on Wattpad:

(This can sound repetitive but read on nevertheless. You held on for so long so you might as well get through with it right! =] )

You are here because of:

* The pressure: Some of you are here because of peer pressure (Heck! You’re friends can start to get really annoying when they go “Come oonnnnnnnnnn! It’s not that bad. You HAVE GOT to come! Pleeeeeaaaassseeee ! Just once okay! And then you can leave if you don’t like it that much”. “Yeah right! Like that’ll happen”, you think. Best friends are difficult to ignore so you’ve landed here alright.

* The hunger: Some of you like to read. You are hungry for new stories and plots so here you are. You get an update every now and then from that awesome story you read last week, you meet new friends, you look for pretty guys/girls ;) and if you’re lucky (or a guy!) you get a fan now and then (If you’re a guy “with” a pic that screams “I’m hot” that gets you extra brownie points and you land on the “on the rise” list! Enjoy! Go throw a party! Don’t forget to call me! Leave a PM ;) ) Girls with no stories don’t really get lots of fans for free (excluding those pretty ones of course!)  . Sorry girls. It’s the harsh truth we need to live with. Jk :P But I do have a secret plan for all of us! PM me and i shall let you know my evil plan to take over Wattpad! Muhahahhahahah! That was my evil laugh by the way just in case you didn’t notice! :P

*The passion:  The most important people on Wattpad are those who fall in the next category. These are the fallen angels of Wattpad:

You are here because you like/LOVE to write! You’re the reason Wattpad is what it is today. If Wattpad was a brownie you’d be the chocolate in it. You love to make a world of your own. You love to bring your dreams to reality for once. You wish you could make people believe in you, make them love, laugh and cry with you on your journey. You wish they would listen to what you have to say. You wish the world is what you make of it. You wish your world would inspire people or maybe you simply wished to welcome them to your world and see that smile creep onto their face, or see those tears glisten in the corner of their eyes crying by your side out of sorrow or joy while your story unfurled and blossomed and transformed from a cocoon to a butterfly. You wish all of this and so much more. I would never be able to put this in words because words are simply a way of making the world understand what you’re trying to say. You truly wish they could feel what you felt instead and be happy with just that.

No matter how you got here, no matter what you do and no matter why you do it fact is that you are still a very special link that holds Wattpad together. Without you the family tree would probably be incomplete. It wouldn't be half as fun, as popular or even as aweosme as it is today. So thank you for welcoming me into this wonderful family and I hope we all get to forge stronger and better relationships over the years and make this journey unforgettable.


Hey guys! What do you think! The wattpad diaries is like a personal diary on Wattpad. But with a twist. I welcome you all to send in any special happy/sad/funny/weird/crazy/awesome experience that you had on Wattpad  that you would like to share with all of us here! So go ahead and leave a Comment!! :):)

-D <3  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2011 ⏰

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