Party Poopers

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William's P.O.V.

"Cruel!" I said while pouting, not bothering to look up.

"You are the cruel one here. I think one one of my eardrums just burst."
Oooh interesting. Peaking behind the fridge door with foor beer bottles in my hand i took a quick look at the irritated pwincess sitting on the countertop with typical nerd glasses atop her nose and a thick book in her hands. 'What's a nerd doing at a party?' That's the only thought that crossed my mind when I saw her. I chugged some beer down my throat and sat beside her.
She cringed away.
Why is she being such a B?! I don't even know why i'm talking to her, but yeah I am bored as fuck so why not?! So, I smirked at her and seeing that she tied her scarf around her neck said, "You're going to kill yourself, pwincess."
"I already did."
"Oh! Aren't we sprouting some deep shiz, now? Nice, nice."
I can relate.
"Can you stop staring, please?" She snapped. That took me out of my revery. That grin i have practiced to display no matter what, was back on my face.
"Oh, you wish that I was staring at you."
"In your dreams." She blew her dark hair out of her face.
"I was just thinking," I said.
"I am least interested."
"Your charming personality is awe-inspiring." I said with a sweet smile.
"I'm glad."
I offered her my last bottle and she shook her head, saying :
"I don't drink." That was it!
"This makes me dislike you even more, nerdie."
"Does it look like I care?" She gave me the fuck off look.
"Why are you even here?" I queried.
She hesitated, looked up and her eyes started searching for someone outside the kitchen.
"Oh, shit!" She stood up and ran out into the lounge frantically.
"Oh, the little nerdie swears!" I screeched and followed after just for the sake of entertainment. Yes, it's fun to annoy her even though I have no idea who she is.

"You idiot!" the nerdie said, with as much love as her heart of stone could muster which is not even as much as the size of a mustard seed. Her friend hicupped and cried and spluttered out incomprehensible non sense, but all I could understand was the name, "Caroline." she said it again and again while, clutching on nerdie's arms with her black painted nails.

This seemed to piss Caroline off more and she picked her mess off a friend off the floor.
"Oh my God! I'm such a poet." I shouted out loud and yet again, all I got in return was a poker face. An undeniably beautiful, but irritated as fuck poker face.
"Well, I thought you were only a B to me. But I got proved wrong pretty nicely." I gave her a stiff salute and she punched me in the gut in return. She smiled like that weird, evil witch from Ariel the Little Mermaid. Yes, I watch disney princess movies. To one, his own guilty pleasures.
I gave her a cheeky grin holding my hurt stomach and ran off to the kitchen to get more drinks. Seeing her pissed off brought me great peace and joy. I wonder why?


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