The Sickness

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                 Kyle and I were upstairs currently giving each other the silent treatment when a noise came from downstairs. Kyle shot up, holding his gun out in front of him. He grabbed onto me and yanked me with him. Maybe it was police and they were here to rescue us. Kyle stood at the top of the stairs, blocking my view of who he was looking at. Kyle had bandaged up my hand so it wasn't hurting as much anymore. As for my head, it was still pounding but the cut I got stopped bleeding so I'd be fine.

              "Drop your gun or I'll kill her, Matt!" Kyle yelled, causing me to jump.

                   Kyle dragged me over to him and placed the cold gun against the side of my dead. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment in fear that he was about to blow my brains out. I stared at my dad, thankful he was here but terrified of what Kyle would do to him. Where was his backup at? It couldn't just be him here, right? If I wasn't scared out of my mind, I would have tried to fight Kyle and give myself a chance to run free.

                 My dad put his hands up in the air and slowly placed his gun on the floor. He couldn't give up that quickly. He couldn't leave me here with this monster. I stared into my dad's eyes, begging him to save me. If he could stall, maybe backup would arrive and no one would get hurt. Would Kyle really hurt my dad? He was my dad's friend, he wouldn't do that. Then again he kidnapped me and the other girls. He has killed innocent girls so what would stop him from killing me or my dad? I just wanted this nightmare to be over with.

            "Why are you doing this Kyle?" My dad asked.

             "Many reasons actually. First, it started because I wanted Marcus out of jail and then it was because I love your daughter. It's a win-win situation for me." Kyle said.

                 It made me sick to my stomach, hearing Kyle claim his love for me. He had a funny way of showing his love. Kyle had such a tight grip on me that I swear I was losing blood circulation.

              I desperately wanted to warn my dad that Marcus was downstairs somewhere, waiting for a chance to kill him or attack him. I wanted to fight Kyle and maybe give my dad some time but I didn't want to die or piss off Kyle anymore. What was I going to do? What was my dad going to do? There were so many unanswered questions lingering in my head. I was sweating and getting more nervous as the gun remained against my head. The room started to spin and I almost fell over. Kyle was basically holding me up.

             "What's wrong?" He whispered in my ear.

              "I'm really dizzy." I said, not sure what was coming over me.

                 The room blackened and then was normal it was like I was about to pass out of something. Was I in shock or something? Was I getting sick? Kyle then threw me to the ground and said, "Go in the bedroom." I saw my dad tense up because he had thrown me and because he knew something was wrong. I got up and practically fell into the bedroom where Brooke was. I held my head and sat on the bed next to her.

            "Are you okay?" She asked in concern.

              "The room is dizzy. I just need to sit down. My dad is down there and I'm scared what Kyle or Marcus may do." I said, trying to calm myself down.

                She stared at me as I sat down. The room kept spinning and I wasn't sure what was happening to me. My breathing was shallow and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. My body felt hot and sweat stuck to my forehead. Brooke took my hand and said, "Kelly, I think you may be going into shock."

                  My eyes widened at the thought. Maybe it was the fact that I had just had a gun pointed to my head and my dad's life was at risk. It could also be caused by the fact that Kyle had kidnapped me and I just got done trying to escape. I rested my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. I need to calm myself down before I had a stroke or passed out. I wasn't sure what the symptoms of shock were but I want to stay alive and healthy.

               I felt the dizziness fade away from me but never left. I didn't feel like I was getting worse but I wasn't getting fully better. I wanted my dad so badly right now but there was no way that that was going to happen, at least not when Kyle was alive. Did my dad have a plan?

                 I needed him to hurry because I wanted Kyle to be gone and I would be left with my dad. I prayed that he would still be alive later and that I would escape somehow. Would Kyle really kill him? Yes, he would. He wasn't the same man that I knew before. He was a complete stranger. I felt a single tear fall from my eye and onto my cheek. I was so terrified and kept praying for my dad and myself. We needed to survive this. 

This chapter is now edited, let me know if you see any mistakes :D

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