Detective Robbins

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                The Colorado Police arrived at the abandoned house to find Officer Ross shot in the head, dead of impact. Blood splattered all over the ground and there looked to be tire tracks leaving the scene near his body. Detective Robbins was now the leader on the case. Ross had been pretty close to Robbins and she was heartbroken by his dead corpse. Robbins wondered where Matt was. Had Kyle taken him as a hostage or was he inside? Kyle was close to Robbins also, they even went on a few dates before all of this. She was very surprised by him being to kidnapper and killer. He had just killed at least one officer and maybe another one inside. It's crazy to think about how much time she spent with Kyle and at any point, he could have killed her.

             Next to Ross' body was the corpses of the two tracking dogs that Matt and Ross had brought with them. Their necks were slit, most likely by a knife. Blood puddled around the dogs and the stench of the blood filled the air. There was too much death here. This is what she hated most about her job, all the death involved in it.

             She walked up to the house and walked in the house. If it wasn't day time, she wouldn't have seen in the house since it was blocked by tall trees. Robbins aimed her gun up just in case Kyle was still there. She had other men surround the house and some to come in with her. She kicked open the door and walked in, checking every corner. As she walked further in, she reached the living room where she saw the body.

            "Got another one! Check the rest of the house and get a forensic and morgue team in here!" Robbins shouted.

             Matt's body was tied to a chair with duct tape but it was weird that his mouth wasn't covered. Once she saw Matt's dead body, tears filled her eyes. Matt was one of her best friends and seeing the bullet hole in his head, sickened her. Robbins knew she couldn't cry because she was on duty. Kyle could still be in the house, she had to stay on point, despite her best friend being dead. She decided to check his pulse in a slim hope that the bullet wound hadn't killed him. She was wrong. He hadn't been dead long since his skin was still warm to the touch. She must have just missed them.

           "All clear!" Men throughout the house yelled.

              Kyle was gone and was probably leaving the state because Matt had found him. Blood covered the white walls surrounding Matt and this would take awhile to process and collect evidence. Just another crime scene to add to Kyle's profile. When she caught him, he would pay for every death that he caused.

             "We need to get some more dogs out here!" Robbins yelled out to whoever could hear her, as she held back a sob.

                 She couldn't even look at Matt anymore. Robbins felt so bad for Kelly. Her mother and father were dead now and knowing Kyle, he probably showed Kelly her father's body or even made her watch the murder. Kyle was insane, clearly not in the right state of mind. Kelly would have a lot of processing once she was found. Robbins would make it her goal to find Kelly since Matt was unable to do that. She had met Kelly a few times and she seemed like a tough girl but toughness would only get you so far.

               "Listen up! I want this whole place swept and checked, inside and out. Make sure to get the backyard too and the sides of the house. I want dogs out here with the most fitted men who can track this guy. He can't be too far, hopefully. If you get any information, call me. I'm going to do a report on the kids taken from the cabin. We need to find him." Robbins yelled to everyone.

               She went back outside, thankful for being able to get out of that house. She got in her car and drove away from the crime scene. Kyle was a real pro at this. Once at the station, she walked in and went into a conference room where all the kids were being held. All of them stared at her with concern as she walked in. None of them had met her yet so she introduced herself.

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