Chapter 6

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The October breeze swished against my cheeks as I walked to school with Chase. I hadn’t said anything about my date to my family last night. I knew that Chase playing the over protective little brother role would have something to say about it sometime soon.

“I want to meet Max.” He declared.

What’d I tell you?

“You can.” I told him.

“I need to know his intentions and what he thinks of you and if he’ll get me a girl and-“

“Chase!” I said and threw my hands up.

“What?” He asked.

“Stop.” I laughed.

“Great.” I muttered and looked up at the gray clouds above our heads. One second later a single raindrop fell on my nose.

“Come on.” I said to Chase and started running as the rain came down heavily.

With every step I took a new puddle splashed up against my now drenched clothes. Of course this had to be the one-day my mom left her car in the shop for an oil change.

Honk. Honk.

I recognized the jeep pulling up to us.

“Get in!” Evan yelled over the thunder.

Chase and I sprinted in and slammed the doors shut while shivering. Amanda was in the front while Jacob was behind the Evan, I was in the middle, and Chase was next to me.

“Thaa-thank you.” I chattered.

“Any time you need a lift just call him.” Evan said and pointed back at Jacob.

“You’re purple come here.” Jacob said and slid me under his arm.

I cuddled up against his football sweatshirt that smelled like old spice and laundry detergent. I could feel his slow and steady heart beat as I rested my head on his chest.

“Okay guys you get out and we’ll park.” Evan said and dropped us at the front doors.

“Here.” Jacob said and slipped off his sweatshirt and pulled it over my head.

I played with the big sleeves and felt warmer.

“Thanks.” I smiled and walked in with him and Chase.

“I’m going now.” Chase said and walked away.

“Want to go to the library? And teach me those some of those kick ass moves?” Jacob chuckled.

“Shut up lets get some coffee.” I laughed.

“One regular coffee with cream and sugar.” I told the lady at the food court.

“Here you are.” She smiled. I quickly paid and thanked her and headed out the doors with Jacob telling me a joke about a banana.

I was clutching my stomach after laughing so hard at his joke.

“Aubrey!” Max said excited and walked over to us.

“Hey man.” He said to Jacob.

“I’ve missed you.” He cooed to me.

Missed me? It had only been two days since we saw each other.

“You too.” I lied and hugged him. He leaned in and pecked my lips quickly as Jacob awkwardly turned around.

“You cold?” He asked.

“Not anymore.” I said.

“Oh, because I could’ve given you my sweatshirt.” He said.

“It’s ok, I’m good. Thanks though.” The bell rang.

“Meet at lunch?” Max asked me before leaving.

I nodded and watched him walk away.

“Miss you!” Jacob cooed.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him down the hallway to our first class.

I grabbed a chicken Caesar wrap from the lunch bar and paid quickly.

Jacob waved me over to our table and I started walking over.

“Babe!” Max called from a table across the room.

I gave Jacob a sympathetic look and walked over and sat down next to Max.

The table was full of his friends Ethan, Jimmy, Austin, Derek, Ross, Justin, Taylor, Liana, Caroline, Kayla, and Devon.

“Hi guys.” I smiled.

I knew most of them, some better than others but it was just…awkward.

Max slid his arm around me as I tried to eat, but it didn’t work out. I simply threw the wrap away no matter how much my stomach was growling.

“You guys are so cute.” Liana squealed.

“Thanks.” I blushed and looked up at Max who was smiling down at me.

“That’s my girl.” He said proudly and pecked me.

“So Aubrey, are you coming to our party this weekend?” Taylor asked.

“What party?” I asked.

“Oh…Max didn’t ask you?” She asked.

“Umm…no.” I said quietly.

I didn’t like Taylor. From what I’ve heard, she can ruin you without even trying.

“Seriously Taylor.” Max growled.

“What?” She asked with a fake innocent face.

“Who wants to get ice cream?” Kayla asked breaking the tension.

“Me.” I simply said and got off of Max and followed Kayla, Devon, and Liana to the line while Taylor flirted with the rest of the table.

“Ignore her, we do.” Kayla said.

“It’s pathetic how she’s trying to ruin you and Max.” Liana sneered.

“Come to the party. It’s at Ethan’s on Saturday at 7.” Devon said.

“Thanks guys.” I said quietly and took a bite of my ice cream.

“And a bunch of us girls are getting ready before at my place, I’ll text you.” Liana smiled.

I smiled back and happily walked back to the table and shared my ice cream with Max. When the bell rang I kissed Max goodbye and walked back over to Jacob.

“Hey.” I greeted.

“How was lunch?” He asked.

“Bad.” I growled. “I’m starving and Taylor’s a wannabe bitch.”

“Whoa, feisty!” Jacob laughed.

As Jacob cracked jokes the anger inside of me kept bubbling until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Just stop!” I said through gritted teeth.

Jacob’s face went white, and his mouth stopped moving.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean any of it.” I mumbled.

“It’s ok.” I breathed out. “I just need some alone time.” I said and walked off the other direction.

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