Chapter 9

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“Jacob.” I whined. “My feet are killing me.”

“So take your shoes off.” He mocked back.

“Eww! I am not walking on the streets without shoes.” I protested.

“Fine. Hop on.” He said and bent over.

“Yes! Piggy back ride!” I squealed and took my shoes off and gently jumped on.

“Let me know if I’m hurting you.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Please, you weigh nothing.” He huffed.

I smiled as he continued to walk down the streets of New York. Looking around the bright lights and tall buildings caught my eye. The taxis zoomed by and beneath the ground you could slightly hear the subway screeching as it pulled in.

“You can put me down.” I said and hopped off of his back.

I slipped my shoes on and walked the sidewalk of down town.

“After college, I’m so living here.” I smiled taking everything in.

“Hey, you copied my idea!” Jacob protested.

“Did not, dude I’ve wanted to since I was like seven.” I smirked.

As we continued to walk casually, Jacob put his arm around me. I smiled; everything was always so much better when I was with him.

“Where are we going?” I asked realizing that we’d been walking the streets for half an hour.

“Somewhere.” He simply said.

I didn’t question him, I just followed.

“Here we are.” He said and led me into the lobby of a big, fancy hotel.

He walked right up to the front desk and cleared his throat. The man behind the counter looked up from the computer screen and straightened up.

“How may I help you?” He asked.

“I need to speak with Rick.” Jacob said.

The Rick?” The man asked.

“Yes.” Jacob replied.

The man pushed a few buttons and talked into the phone.

“What’s your name?” He asked.

“Jacob Barber.”

The man relied the information into the phone, “He’ll be down in a minute.”

A six-foot tall bald man walked through the doors and smiled. “Jacob!” He said excited and walked over to us. “How are you?” He asked and hugged him.

“Uncle Rick I’m great! How are you?” He asked.

“Well I’m doing just fine, what brings you in?” He asked.

“Well, we just came from a sweet sixteen. We didn’t really want to go to the girl’s house and we didn’t have a ride home so I figured that maybe the best Uncle over here could let us use a room for the night?” He explained.

“Oh you know I’m a softie for one of my only two nephews!” The man exclaimed.

“Victor! Get me two room keys for a suite.” Jacob’s uncle said to the man behind the desk. He smiled at me, “And what’s your name princess?” He asked.

I blushed, “Aubrey.”

“Well Aubrey you must be pretty special if Jacob here took you here!” He smiled. “I was starting to think that he’d never meet any girls!” He chuckled.

The man brought over two room keys and handed them to Jacob.

“You be good now kids.” Rick said as we walked to the elevator after thanking him.

“You could’ve told me!” I squeaked in the elevator.

“Oh come on where’s the surprise in that?” He laughed.

Well, he did have a point.

Jacob slipped the key in and opened the door. It was much bigger than your average hotel room. It was spacious with a couch, TV, game system, bed, bathroom, vanity, mini fridge, terrace, and two closets.

“Whoa.” I said under my breath.

I walked in and plopped down on the couch. “The only thing that’s missing is a hot tub.” I laughed.

“No, that’s on the upstairs deck.” Jacob grinned.

“CAN WE GO?” I practically screamed.

“Shhh!” Jacob said cupping my mouth closed with his hands. “People are sleeping!”

“Sorry.” I said through his hand.

“This is my brother and I’s room, there’s some of our stuff. Want some trunks?” He asked holding up a pair of pink and blue ones that would be a little too big.

“Sure.” I smiled and walked into the bathroom.

I kicked off my shoes and shimmied out of my dress. I left my undies on and slipped the trunks over them, which fell right down. I got the hair tie off of my wrist and tied the trunks tighter together so they would stay. There wasn’t much of a difference between a bra and a bikini top right? Well, it would have to do, even if it was neon pink and zebra striped. Being a guy, I’m sure Jacob wouldn’t mind.

I walked out to Jacob sitting on the bed bouncing a tennis ball up and down.

“Ready?” I asked.

He turned around and dropped the ball, not bothering to pick it up, or noticing that it wasn’t in his hands.

“Yup.” He smiled and led the way.

SORRY! IT'S BEEN FOREVER SINCE I'VE POSTED. Hey guys, can you get the word out about my story? There are like no reads and it would be awesome if more people knew (:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2011 ⏰

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