Chapter 2

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“Aubrey! Wait up!” Megan called running after me. “Did you just talk to Jacob?” She asked sounding out of breath. “Yeah…” My voice trailed off as we walked up the stairs on our way to math. “Don’t just yeah me you love that boy what went down?” I smiled, “Nothing.” And ran the opposite way. “Aubrey!” Megan called from down the hallway. As I turned my head I collided with a body that felt bigger than mine and crashed down to the floor.

“I’m so sorry!” I squealed rubbing my head and reaching for the person’s things.

“It’s okay I’m f- Aubrey?” I looked up to see Tony looking down at me. Tony as in my ex-boyfriend.

“Here.” I said and handed him his textbooks, fixed myself and started walking away.

“Aubrey wait.” Tony said and pulled my arm back so I was facing him.

“Please, just leave me alone.” By now the hallways were empty and I was late to class.

“Just let me talk to you.” He protested.

“I think you did enough of that three months ago.” I said and felt tears forming in my eyes.

“It’s not what I wanted! I was drunk and I’m sorry.” He told me.

“Bullshit! Stop lying Tony and stay away from me!” I screamed and stormed off.

“Everything ok?” I looked up to see Jacob in my path. Tears were streaming down my face as I tried not to look into his eyes. “Yeah, great.” I mumbled.

“No you’re not, come on, come with me.” He offered. Since I didn’t feel like going to class, I followed him down the flight of stars, down a few hallways and into the empty weight room.

“It’s the only room that I have a key to, and is not filled with people.” He explained as he unlocked the door and turned the lights on.

I sat down on a palates ball and twirled my hair with my fingers. “So, Tony?” Jacob asked sitting down on the ball next to me. I nodded, “Believe it or not he’s my ex.”

Jacob gave me this weird look and then started laughing, “That idiot? With someone like you?” I started laughing with him and looked down at my feet wiping my cheeks.

“Hey.” He said. I looked up and his face was serious. “Don’t cry over that douche.”

I laughed again and sniffled, “I haven’t in awhile but….I have my reasons.”

“You don’t have to tell me.” He started. “But if he ever gives you a hard time again, I’ll personally kick his ass.” Again I was laughing and picturing Darren struggling on the ground with bruises all over.

“I’ve never used one of these things.” I said walking over to the bench press.

“Never? Weird.” Jacob said and grabbed two weights and slid them on. “There’s a first time for everything.”

“I cheer, I don’t do heavy things.” I said making a face at it.

“Wimp.” He mumbled and looked down at his feet.

“Excuse me?” I snapped.

“WIMP!” He said loudly.

“Am not!” I protested.

 “Then why won’t you lift the itty bitty weights?” He asked.

“Because I don’t want to.” I crossed my arm and stuck my nose up in the air.

“No, you’re just a wimp.” He repeated.

“I’ll show you. How do you do this thing?” I asked.

“You lay down on it, lift the bar and go up and down.” He instructed. I laid down on it and grabbed the bar and started lifting until I felt like my arms were going to fall off.

“20 for a beginner…not bad.” Jacob smirked and put the weights back.  

“Let’s go.” I laughed as the bell sounded for second period.

As we walked down the hall talking about things we liked, I felt closer to Jacob already. “So, I’ll see you later?” He asked.

“Maybe I can get more fitness lessons.” I teased and walked away.

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