Chapter 8

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I shit you not, I drooled a little. You would have if you saw the beauty of the man in front of me. I suddenly became aware of my rat nest hair and and the bags underneath my eyes. I tried to discreetly sniff my armpits to see how long I had been out for, I guess I wasn't as discreet as I thought. 

" Are you smelling yourself?" I didn't even register what he said, I was more focused on the way the words rolled off his tongue, like melted chocolate. The comparison made my stomach produce a sound that could shake mountains.

"Umm is there a chance of me being fed any time soon, I'm guessing you all  heard that hehe." I tried to laugh it off but I was mortified. It wasn't until know I figured out who my kidnapper was. 

"IT'S YOU!" I felt like I was in Scooby Doo and we just revealed the bad guy.

"Were you ever taught it's rude to point?" I hadn't even realised that I was pointing him, I tried to start apologising until I realised that he had kidnapped me and I am now in a strange place. "Hold on, why am I apologising I'm the one that is kidnapped and currently being held here against my own will. Like where am I? Is this a whore house? Am I gonna die, I'm to young I never got to go to Disney Land or order everything off the menu in Nando's." I realised that I was rambling on and slowly started to stop speaking.

"Now that you've finished your lovely speech let me tell you the answers to the questions, You are in Manchester, No this is my house, not, a whore house, I'm not going to kill you and I honestly don't care about what you've done in your pathetic life." 

" That last comment was uncalled for if I do say so myself. Hold on, then  why am I here exactly?" the next thing he did made me worried. Silently he signalled to his henchmen(that's my new name for them) to leave the room, and they did. I still had no idea why he wanted me here or his intentions but I sure as hell know he doesn't want any witnesses. Once the door was shut  and they had left he turned to face me.

"You were late." 

"Are you kidding? You kidnapped me because I didn't call back, wow, how desperate are you?" My last comment made me chuckle a bit, but I guess he wasn't amused with my sense of humour and I  was soon silenced with a sharp look. 

"You owe me £20,000 worth of damage to my car. I know your wondering how, since you seem to have the memory of a goldfish, I'll enlighten you. Your shoe hit my wind shield causing it to crack. My car was a limited edition and the only one left in the world, meaning getting a replacement screen is gonna be damn expensive, your even lucky I knocked off £50,000."

"..." Nothing, I could think of nothing to say, did he really expect me to have £20.000 just laying around waiting for him.

"Wait, you can obviously afford the costs if you own that car in the first place and have already paid a huge amount of it." 

"Well yes I can afford it, but I need something from you in return. I don't need or want your money, what I do want is a lot more, demanding."

Nope I knew where he was going with this and it was not going to happen. "Nope, I'm not being your sex partner or any weird shit like that, this isn't 50 Shades of Grey, never going to happen, not now, not tomorrow not even in 10 minutes. 

"No I'm not looking for sex. Marry me for 3 years and you will pay off all of your debt to me, and your fathers, it seems he's passed over £1.5 million worth of debt, all left for you to pay off, even though you can barely afford bread."

He's got me, I wan't to just outright say no, it's a crazy idea and  completely stupid. But the rational part of my mind wants to say yes, I don't have £1.7 million around, shit I barely get paid minimum wage. I wanted to marry the love of my life, not just some rich dude who I owe a lot of money to. My mind is telling me yes, but my heart is telling me no. 

"Why do you need me so badly anyway? Why can't you get a girlfriend and ask her, like a sane person?"

"My family moved to England when I was one. Technically I am French, but I have lived my whole life speaking English and living here. My visa was up until my 23rd birthday but then I would have to move back to France. The empire that I have built her in England would never last in France no matter how hard I could try, I would lose everything I have worked hard for. I need us to get married in 2 months. I have written the terms and conditions of our marriage in a contract that you will find in the top draw beside your bed. I'll leave you to make your own decision, but think of what you will gain if you accept my proposal."

And with that, he stood up and left the room. My head was spinning from all the new information I had just had shoved down my throat. I look to the left and spot the chest of draws. Just like he said, there was a contract sat there waiting for me, a new sleek pen was placed on top of it, waiting for me to sign the contract. 


Hey Guys  it's QueenRandom

Sorry for the delay in uploads I've been very busy with exams lately and that has taken up a load of my time 

I've tried to make it a bit longer and I am working on that but it's a work in progress. 

Vote and Comment it really helps.



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