Chapter 4

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Hey guys! I found this picture at the top online and I thought it was so cute. I have written chapter 5 also but i need to upload it to the website so it will be up today also!!

I felt giddy. I was finally able to get off of this hot, dry, useless planet.

"Now we find a transport to take up to Alderaan." With that being said, Ben got out of the booth and started taking to a Wookie.

Luke was staring at me. I pretended not to notice and watched Ben and Wookie being immersed in conversation. But Luke didn't stop.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

Luke was smiling like he just saw something funny. "How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Persuade old Ben to let you come?"

I leaned forward and rest me chin on my hand. "I guess I'm just persuasive." Our eyes locked. I felt a small pull in my gut. Ben Kenobi came back to the table.

"I found a possible transport, come."

We found the Wookie standing next to a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties. He shook Ben's hand and said. "Han Solo. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie tells me your looking for passage to Alderaan."

"Indeed if it's a fast ship." Ben nodded.

"Fast ship? Have you ever heard of the Millennium Falcon?"

"Should I have?" Ben raised an eyebrow. I couldn't help but smirk.

Han shook his head in disbelief. "It's the ship that made the Kassel run in less than-"

"Twelve parsecs?" I snorted, Han turned his head to me. "I've heard of your ship, and it's white lies, because I know it's impossible to do the Kassel run in 12 parsecs, never mind less than."

Han leaned back in his chair, he glared at me. Luke shifted, his elbow brushing my forearm. It sent electric pulses up my arm. I didn't shift my gaze from Han Solo. Han pointed his finger at me. "I've outran Imperial Starships, not the local bulk-cruisers. I'm talking the big Corellian ships now."

I opened my mouth to call him out again. But Luke elbowed me in the stomach. More pulses rambled up and down my torso. Luke quickly pulled his elbow away.

"She's fast enough for you three. Now what's the cargo?"

"Just passengers," answered Ben. "Myself, the boy and girl, two droids... and no questions asked." Ben voice grew serious.

"What is it? Some type of local trouble?"

"Let's just say we want to avoid any Imperial entanglements," I explained.

"Well that's the trick isn't it?" Han smirk. "Then it's gonna cost you extra. I want ten thousand in advance."

Luke went berserk. "Ten thousand? We can almost buy our own ship with that much." I'll admit. Ten thousand was a bit much for a drop-off. I mean it's not like Han is going to get off the ship and help us on Alderaan.

"But whose gonna fly it, kid? You?"

"You bet I could," Luke jumped up from his chair, pushing it backwards.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled back into his chair. I looked to Han. "We don't have that much with us." I paused thinking of another optional price.

"We'll give you 2,000 and 15 when we get to Alderaan." Ben answered for me. Luke and I snapped out heads in his direction, our mouth falling to the floor.

" 17 huh," Han paused, "You got yourselves a ship. We'll leave as soon as your ready. Docking bay 94"

"94." Ben repeated.

Something was bugging me. I turned and saw several Stormtrooper at the Cantina's bar, asking the bartender questions.

"Ben...Luke..." Ben turned and he cursed. We left the cantina ask fast as we could.

Ben Kenobi stood in between Luke and me. "You'll have to sell your speeder."

Luke grinned. "Good. Another reason why I won't come back to this hell basket."

Alright, to Alderaan we go.

A/n: Yay! The crew is starting the journey!!!!!!! I also have a sad to give you all: Spring break is almost over and I'm trying to get as many updates as I can! Then when school starts again I'll update 1 or 2 times a week.

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Nicole Reed// Irreplaceable// Book #1 STAR WARSWhere stories live. Discover now