Chapter 14

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Our magical moment was interrupted when he heard Han yell from the cockpit. "Hey lovebugs! We could use your help!" I pulled away from Luke and wiped my eyes. I sighed. Thanks Han, I thought.  I got off the table was about to open the door when Luke grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"You okay?" he asked sincerely. His eyebrows furrowed together. I nodded. His kissed my forehead and let go of my wrist. I tapped the control panel and opened the door. I sighed, I wanted to stay in there with Luke forever.

We jogged to the cockpit. The looked and sounded like a laser light show. Beeping was all you could hear and laser zoomed past the cockpit glass. "Is this what happens when I'm not here?" I asked Han, looking at him, he couldn't see me but he answered.

"You shouldn't have been sucked the lips off of lover boy then." I saw him smirk in the reflection.

"I was not sucking off his lips-" I was about to say more but Chewie interrupted my with a angry rumble.

"You're right, Chewie." Han said. "Nicole, Luke get to the gunports and help us fire these little buggers off." We nodded and left the cockpit leaving Leia to deal with the two.

"What's Han's problem huh?" Luke growled as he buckled himself into the only seat, I stood beside him and help onto on his seatbelt to stay upright.  He handed me a mic set but didn't let me put it on. "I mean, he's been a prick since we've been got back on the ship."

"I don't know Luke, maybe he's just jealous that he doesn't have a relationship like you and I do..."

"We have a relationship?" He asked surprised. I was surprised too when I said that also.

"Um... we can talk about this later after the situation is solved Luke!" We put on the comlink and turned it on. It connected instantly. We heard Han and Leia arguing about something but I cut them off. "Guys, we can all talk later, lets fix the problem right now." Everyone was silent and listen to my command. We all set to work, like clockwork.

Maybe when we're arguing like 2-year olds, we could be a good team.


When the battle was won, and we were safe. I left the gun mount with Luke and walked into the main area. When we arrived, I saw 3-PO tangled in the wires, thrashing around. "Help!" He cried. "I think I'm melting!"

I laughed, and crouched down next to him, and carefully removed the wires. When 3-PO sat up, he look to R2, who just rolled into the room. "This is all your fault." 3-PO scowled.  R2 beeped in response. I left them there and joined Luke, Leia, and Han back in the cockpit.

"Not a bad bit of rescuing huh? You know, sometimes I even surprised myself." Han leaned back in his chair, and knotted his hands behind his head, he threw a glance my way. I looked away, uncomfortable.

"They let us go," Leia said, rolling her eyes to Han. "It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape." Okkkaaaayyyy, that was an understatement.

"Easy?" Han and I said at the same time, I looked at him, he smirked.

"You thought that was easy?" Han continued.

Leia moved on, "At least the information R2 is still intact."

"What's so important? What's he carrying?" Han asked, clearly not understanding.

"I though this was going to be a 'no questions asked' drop-off. Did I misunderstand?" I raised my eyesbrows at Han, he matched my expression.

"This is more than just drop-off now, I'm with you for the long ride it looks like." He smirk, a charming smile. Though it held secret context for me that Luke and Leia didn't notice. Well Luke notice, a little bit. He narrowed his eyes and stepped closer to me. I shook my head. Men.

"The technical readouts of that battle stations. I only hope that when the data is analyzed, a weakness can be found. It's not over yet." Leia said.  I smiled, I didn't know so much hope can be packed in such a tiny body.

"Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm in it for you, Princess. This is because now I have an even bigger target on my back than I did before. So I expect to be well paid." He jutted a finger at Leia.

"You don't need to worry about the money. If money is all you love, then that's what you'll receive!"

"Money is not the only thing I love!" Han accused her. I laughed, they argued like a couple of true love. Then a thought popped into my mind, what if they do become a couple. I shook my head at laughter at the thought, Luke looked at me, his blue eyes sparkled with amusement.

"What's so funny?" He whispered, not wanting to interrupt the argument between Han and Leia.

"Nothing, just a thought." I knocked my shoulder with his. He chuckled and interlaced our hands. A small shock travelled up my wrists. It was a good kind of shock, a shock I would want to feel everyday. Leia stomped out of the cockpit. Leaving just the four of us.

"So... what do you think of her Han?" Luke smirked.  I bumped him, no need to be rude.

"I'm not trying to, kid! Plus, I'm looking at someone else." He turned to the control panel, typing in some actions on the navi-computer. I felt Luke stiffened next to me, and I squeezed his hand. I met his eyes, they were full of pure jealously.

"Still," Han said, seeming to reconsider. " I don't know, what do you think? Do you think a princess and a guy like me-"

"Yes!" I shouted.

"No!" Luke shouted. It was a the same times as me. I looked at him he did know Han was talking about Leia, right? "Wait... yeah I do!" I rolled my eyes, and left Luke's eyes and sat on the edge of the co-pilot's chair, ignoring Chewie's rumbles of annoyance.

"Does Han have a crush?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Well yeah, but not on Leia." He grumbled and stared at the vastness of space. I laughed and patted his shoulder and walked out of the cockpit Luke followed closely behind me.

"He likes you doesn't he?" Luke said once we got back to my bunk. A really small room that was about seven by seven feet. Cozy, but comfortable.

"I don't know for sure Luke, I mean he's Han Solo, he probably has dozens of girls he slept with who thinks he's her 'true love' all over the galaxy." I used air quotes when I said 'true love'.

"You don't believe in true love?" Luke asked me surprised.

"I believe in some things and I don't believe in other things, and true love is one of them." I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to ward off an approaching headache. But them an image of Richter and Molly popped in my head. They had strong love, almost perfect love. But was it true love?

"You look tired." Luke sat on my bed and patted the spot next to him. I sat down and rested my head on Luke's shoulder, it fit perfectly. "Go to sleep," He commanded.  

And I did, with Luke's arm wrapped around my waist.

A/N: Hey Guys! Another chapter for the story! I've decided now that I'm going to make each story a different book! How does that sound? So it feels more like a book series about Star Wars, and I also just want to have a lot of completed books in my account, looks better to the public.

I have an important announcement! I have started to collaborate with another great author! His name is DarthRahziid. He his an amazing author! We made a new account. LukeEmma The story is a Star Wars fan fiction that is set between the Revenge of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. It is about Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo and his transition to the Dark Side. It is call Pathway to the Dark Side. The prologue and chapter one is out now! Guys you need to check it out!

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Nicole Reed// Irreplaceable// Book #1 STAR WARSWhere stories live. Discover now