Chapter 8

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Chase's POV - 

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open, wincing at the harsh amount of light that entered them. I waited for a moment, allowing my eyes to adjust and my throbbing headache to die down a bit. I looked around a bit, my mind told me that it recognised the area I was in but couldn't remember where from. 
I soon registered the fact that I couldn't move my arms or legs, and glanced down at them, feeling a sense of dread as soon as I figured out why. I was being restrained. 
I thrashed against the straps,  screaming in agony as an eruption of pain shot through my right arm and shoulder. 

I couldn't breathe properly, dark thoughts swimming through my mind. 
I was at Facility X, wasn't I? In a section I'd never been to before. Lahey obviously didn't trust me - I must've failed my last bit of training. I was a failure. He sent me here to be put down. 

 "Oh God, I'm going to die..." I sobbed, my breaths shaking. 

Tears streamed down my face and my vision became blurred; I could no longer see my surroundings. 

"Chase?" I heard someone sooth. I recognised the voice; it was the same as the one that was in my nightmare. "Chase are you alright?"

The pressure that pushed me down against the table slowly began to decrease, and I gave an internal sigh of relief; they were undoing my restraints. 

"Bree, what're you doing?" A deep, masculine voice suddenly spoke. 

"Can't you see he's in pain?" 

"He could be faking it, just like all the other times". 

"Adam, relax". 

The two of them became silent; the only thing you could hear were my heavy, shaky breaths. 
I blanked out for a second, willing myself not to look like such a baby, and suddenly found myself in a sitting position. 

"Are you OK?" Bree asked me again.

I tried to speak but my voice was cracked and my words came out in small coughs. In the end I gave up and simply nodded slightly in response. 

Bree smiled sympathetically.

I looked over at the boy, Adam, and looked him up and down, trying to memorise every small detail about his appearance. I guess he must've caught me staring at me, because when I can to study his face he wore a deep scowl - a scowl that almost looked as if he was deciding whether to murder me or not. I realised staring probably wasn't the best approach. Instead, I tried to smile at him, but my face and mouth felt numb so my grin ended up looking slightly lopsided. 

The next few moments happened too quick for me to react. I heard a small crack, followed by Bree screaming at Adam, but couldn't quite figure out why. The reason soon hit me, just like the wave of pain that erupted from my nose. A sea of blood poured down my face and trickled into my mouth, the metallic taste giving me flashbacks to my nightmare. I quickly spat out as much blood from my mouth as quickly as possible, wincing as my nose stung even more with the movement. 

"Adam! What the hell!?" Bree yelled, grabbing a handful of tissues and forcing them under my nose. 

"Didn't you see it?" Adam cried back. "That grin! It was the same grin that the evil Chase constantly looked at us with! He's still in there, I know it!" 

"Adam, get out of here. Right now. Make yourself  useful and tell Mr Davenport to come down here; at least he'll actually give Chase a chance". 

Adam huffed, sending an unreadable look in my direction, before storming out of the room, mumbling to himself in frustration. 

I gulped, waiting until he was full out of sight before turning to Bree. 

"Ignore him," she stated before I could speak. "He just doesn't understand other people". 

I nodded slightly. "S-so, you don't work f-for Lahey?" My voice sounded quite nasally, but I assumed that was due to the fact that my nose was most probably broken. 

Bree looked at me, taken aback. "What? No, of course we don't". 

I sighed in relief. 

"Why would you even think that?" She asked, obviously confused. 

I shrugged. 

Bree opened her mouth to say more, but was interrupted by a man running into the room, skidding to a stop next to her. The man glanced at me quickly before turning to Bree. 

"You should've called me as soon as he woke up" the man said. 

"He only just did! And I sent Adam to get you". 

"But if you had called me sooner we might've been able to avoid the aftermath of Adam's 'rage quit'" The man, who I assumed was Mr Davenport, snapped, referring to my still bleeding nose.

Bree rolled her eyes in response. 

Mr Davenport shook his head and turned his attention to me. "Chase? You feeling OK?" 

I shrugged. 

Mr Davenport bit his lip and nodded. "I'm assuming you can't remember who we are at the present moment". 

I froze, before nodding. Was I supposed to know them from somewhere?

"How'd you know that!?" Bree asked. 

"The type of surgery Douglas preformed on him would usually leave someone disorientated and confused, only able to recall memories that weren't tampered with. At least, that's what I'm assuming happened since no one has ever tampered with people's memories before". 

Bree gave him a 'fair-enough' shrug. 

He sighed. "Bree, help Chase upstairs".


"He'll get a better sense of familiarity towards the house and us up there. I've also got a med-kit in the kitchen, so I'll be able to fix his nose". 

"Yeah, OK" she agreed, and put an arm around me, helping me off the surface I was sitting on.

"And no speeding. We don't want him passing out again". 

"Fine" Bree sulked. 

I wondered what Mr Davenport meant about speeding. Was Bree like me? A bionic? A freak? I thought Lahey had said that I was the only one? I pondered over this for a while before shrugging it off, focusing on my present problem:

Getting up the stairs without fainting. 


Not the best chapter but I still hope that it was OK! Sorry about the wait though...

Thanks for reading :)


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