Chapter 9

501 22 19

Chase's POV-

A couple of days had passed since I had woken up from my 'surgery', as Mr Davenport described it. My nose was slowly beginning to heal, and the swelling had started to go down a bit - I was pretty grateful that I didn't look much like Squidward anymore - and knew that the bruising would disappear in a matter of weeks. My shoulder injury, apparently also caused by Adam, still hurt like hell. Sadly, no amount of pain killers and cryotherapy was appearing to help. I just had deal with the fact that I'd have a sling and an asymmetrical shoulder for the next six weeks. 

Things are slowly starting to come back to me - key word: slowly. Some things were easier to make sense of than others, mostly the small things such as names and people who've had minor significance in my life. But other things I was finding harder to sort between real and not, mostly to do with the people I was currently staying with. 

I found comfort sitting on the couch, facing the wall, trying to gain a sense of familiarity of the house. Everyday I tried studying small parts of the building, things like cracks that may seem insignificant to others but hold a whole other meaning to the family who lived there. I tried and tried, but could never manage to spark any genuine memories. Instead, my mind drifted towards the same thing. The Davenports. I was safe with them, that's what they kept saying. But how could I be so sure when all I knew about them was dark and evil?

Almost on cue, Bree came over and quietly sat next to me on the couch, simply watching me. She did this for a while, the two of us sitting in silence, just letting our own thoughts run through our head.

Out of nowhere, she laughed slightly, so I gave her a confused look in response. She shook her head and sighed. 

"It's just, whenever you sit here, you kinda remind me of Winnie the Pooh on his thinking stump". She screwed up her face and tapped her temple with a look that crossed between concentration and frustration, attempting to impersonate the honey-obsessed bear. 

In turn, I shook my head in disappointment.

I heard her laugh again before sighing. There was a moment when she didn't say anything, just stared at the same spot on the wall that my gaze headed. "Why do you do it?" She asked suddenly. 

"Do what?"

"Sit here, gazing blankly at the wall for hours on end?" 

I shrugged. "I try to sort of the false memories from the true. I take in every small detail of this house and hope that somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind a memory will start blossoming".

"And does it work?"

I shook my head slowly. 

"Maybe you should take a different approach". 

"Like what?" 

"I dunno. If you're not sure what's real or not, why not just ask?" 

I considered this for a moment before nodding slightly, even though I was still slightly uncertain. One flaw with her idea was that I could never be sure if she was lying or not when answering, but I guess that's the point. To trust her. To trust all of them. 

"Bree! Chase!" I heard Mr Davenport call, interrupting my train of thought. "Get down here, now!"

"What d'you think's going on?" I asked Bree as we stood up, almost in unison. 

"Dunno. It sounded important, but, knowing Mr Davenport, it could just be a grey hair or something". 

I gave her a 'fair-enough' shrug and followed her downstairs to the lab, where we were greeted by Adam and Mr Davenport crowded around a monitor. 

"What's up?" Bree asked as she strolled over to the monitor. 

I kept my distance from the crowd, mostly due to the fact that Adam kept sending death glares in my direction. 

"Mission alert" Mr Davenport confirmed. "And we're going to need all three of you for this one". 

"Even in Chase's... condition?" Adam asked uncertainly. 

"You don't need to concern yourself with him" Mr Davenport snapped back. 

"I think the bigger issue that needs to be addressed here is the fact that none of us have gone on a mission in two years, excluding the missions the FBI sent Chase on".

"You'll be fine. It's more of an examining mission, so you won't need to fight anyone or anything like that. I think you all will be able to handle that".   

"So, what's the mission?" Bree prompted. 

"I'll explain it in more depth to you on the way, but here's the general idea of it. There was a murder and I need you to survey the scene before the authorities get there and close it to the general public. I should warn you, it's a bit gruesome".

"We can handle it". 

"I'm sure you guys can" Mr Davenport sighed. "Go get into your mission suits and I'll explain things further. Chase, it might hurt a bit to get yours on, but you'll just have to push through it". 

I nodded and made my way to my capsule, which was slightly intimidating since I hadn't been near it in two years, and prepped myself for the pain. 

I'd obviously not prepped myself enough. As soon as the tight material touched my shoulder it began to burn in agony, causing me to release a shriek. 

"You OK?" Bree asked as soon as I stumbled out of my capsule. 

I nodded, biting my lip to hold back anymore screams. 

"Right," Mr Davenport started, clearing his throat, "well, I just sent the location to your GSPs, so get over there quickly. I'll talk you through it once you get to the scene. Remember, it's just an observation mission. Under no circumstances are you three to engage with anything or anyone. Understood?" 

We all nodded. 

"Let's go".


Please let me know what you thought of this chapter. Also let me know whose POV you want next and what you want to happen next as I'm kinda running out of ideas... 

So, I'm going on a month long camp in a couple of weeks (I leave on the first of May) for school to practically the middle of nowhere, which means no internet or electronics, or even music! And, straight after I get back, I have exams for a whole week (completely unfair in my opinion. Teachers want you to do well in exams, especially in NCEA, which is an exam that can practically determine what happens academically throughout the rest of your life, and they make you do it after a month long camp where you have NO time to revise or anything and still expect you to do well!? Seriously?) 
Anyway, what I'm saying is that I'm not going to be able to update or even be on Wattpad for a total of 5, maybe 6, weeks. Darn. 
I will be posting this message on my other story, Double Life, but I just wanted to let you guys know this in advance. I'm really sorry about this but I honestly can't do anything to avoid it. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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