Chapter 9 (ammon)

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Why does she need to scream at Me all the time. I can hear her perfectly fine.

I looked around to see if any one I trusted was around. I'm lucky I saw Selma.

"Hey Selma will you please do me a favor?" I asked.

"Of course I will my prince it will be my honor." She said while joking around. I just laughed.

"Well lady Anippe is in the medical Room she doesn't want me in there so I was wondering if you could watch over her for a little while?"

She smiled at me and walked into the medical room.

I'm so tired and my head is killing me.

I just want to go to asleep.

"Prince Ammon your father would like to see you in the western garden As soon as possible." Said a palace guard

I walked off. I wonder what my father needed to speak to me about that is so important he has to do it in the western garden. The western garden is probably the emptiest place in the palace nobody goes there because that's where my great-grandmother was murdered. It's a lonely and dark place. The slaves only clean it every moon.

I got to the western garden and walked in my father was sitting alone on a stone bench. That had beautiful carvings on it.

"Son you are here. Come sit down please" he said while smiling. His voice was quiet and sad it sounded like he was very ill but was trying to hide it.

"Son I haven't spoken or seen much of you since lady Anippe came to us."

"I know father I'm sorry I have been so busy." I replied.

He patted my back "it's okay my prince but we have something very important to discuss."

"Yes. What is it?"

"You will marry lady Anippe by the next full moon." He said.

I just stared at him not really knowing what to say. I wasn't that angry about it honestly.

"I'm very ill son and my time is coming to an end and yours is really just beginning. You will become pharaoh and Anippe will become queen. She will bare the next prince of Egypt."

"Father please no your time is not coming to a end I promise the gods will let you live." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Son I know you do not want me to leave but I have known about this for a while now. The gods gave me a vision a woman from a strange land will come she will be beautiful and strong, her love for the people of Egypt is bigger than any pharaoh could hope for In a queen. She is smart. And knows things that will save and help Egypt. You will marry her and become pharaoh it has been decided. You Will marry her before the next full moon. I want to be able to dance at my sons wedding." He hugged me and left.

I just sat there. Was that it! He had me come all the way over here to tell me he's going to die! How could he do this to me? I don't want to marry Anippe! maybe I did at a point but now I won't even be able to look at her! I feel like she's the reason my father is leaving me! How could he just leave me and The people of Egypt! I'm not ready to become pharaoh! I'm still a child!

I sat there with my head In my hands crying. I don't cry that much or ever really. It makes me feel weak and less of a man.

I lifted my head up and wiped the tears off my face. I had to get out of this garden it's to depressing.

I walked back into the palace and nobody was around at all. It made sense people don't come to this part of the palace unless they really have to.

I walked around for what felt like hours. I ended up at my birth mothers door.

I knocked on the door.

One of my birth mothers maids opened the door. she looked shocked to see me.

"Good evening my prince" she said while Bowing down to me.

I nodded my head at her and walked in.

"My dear son!" Lotus yelled while hugging me.

All the maids were right behind my birth mother lotus smiling at the sweet mother and son moment.

My mother let go of me. I stood back and asked the maids to leave. After they had left the smile on lotuses face disappeared.

"What is it ammon? I was getting ready to go to sleep." she said annoyed.

"Do you know about father?"

She looked at me confused.

"I will take that as a no. Well father is having me marry lady Anippe because he is very ill and will be dead very soon." I said with no emotion at all.

She started to cry very loud. " NO! NO!

You can't marry that whore Anippe! you are suppose to marry kissa."she yelled

"What!? why in the hell would I marry kissa she is my sister! Father said he didn't like brothers and sisters marrying! you are sick! and all you want is the throne! but you won't have it! I will! My beautiful queen and I will rule Egypt together! You are a awful woman you didn't even care you husband and your king is dieing!

I'm ashamed to be your son!" I yelled while storming out.

I knew I shouldn't of have gone to her chamber.

I walked into my chamber. And fell asleep.

I woke up In the middle of the night.

I had to go walk around so many things were running through my mind.

Nobody was out In the hallways tonight it was darker then usual. There Were only a few touches lit. I could hear somebody screaming I ran toward the screaming.

I saw a woman lying on the floor with blood all over her body. I ran towards her and saw a man come out of the dark.

He punched me in the mouth. I jumped up and tackled him to the ground I punched him so many times I lost track. The woman was trying to pull me off of the man.

"No please you will kill him!" she cried.

I stopped and looked at the man his body laid there lifeless. I looked at my hands they had blood all over.

I just killed somebody.

I turned around to the woman. she was crying.

"How could you kill him! You bastard! I loved him!". The woman yelled at me.

She started to punch my chest. It didn't hurt at all.

"What the hell are you doing!" yelled a womanly voice.

I turned around and saw Annipe I ran over to her I grabbed her Getting blood all over her nice white dress.

...I'm gonna play a game with all my readers. You can write me on my message board, my inbox, or in the comments on any chapter. What I mean is ask me any question and I will personally answer you or answer you in my next chapter. You may ask me anything. For example ( what's Ammon favorite color, what was anippe life like before, why does Selma love flowers so much?) anything like that. So I hope you all play :D I'm very excited! I'm hoping it will help me with my writers block! Thank you guys! You have no idea how thankful I am to have readers like you guys!:D <3 <3...

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