Chapter 11 (Anippe)

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I walked over and hugged Ammon but it wasn't a good hug. I was so stressed. how do I tell Ammon that I think his father is dead?

Ammon could tell something was wrong with me. He let go of my hug and just starred at me.

"Anippe you know something you're not telling me."

I put my head down knowing I couldn't lie.

"Ammon do you mind if I exam your dad?" I asked.

He shook his head at me in approval.

I walked over and lifted the covers.

The pharaoh stomach was extremely bloody.

"Ammon your father is hurt badly I can try to help him. you need to find who did this they have to still be in the room or they would have murdered him all together. They must of heard us coming."

I grabbed all of the fabric I could. It was difficult with out the supplies, and I knew I couldn't ask a maid, so I just had to do with what I had.

I stopped the bleeding or at least slowed it down. The pharaoh was still alive but unconscious. Ammon was looking all over the chamber for the people who did this?

"Anippe there are three men laying on the ground I think they are dead. This isn't right it doesn't make sense. My father would have gone got help if he killed those men." Ammon said while walking around.

I looked up at Ammon.

"Ammon! look out!" I screamed.

One of the men came up behind Ammon with a knife. The knife already had blood on it so I could tell that was the one they used to stab the pharaoh. The knife was about seven inches, which means the pharaohs wound is bad very bad!

Ammon turned around and punched the man in the Face. I didn't know what to do let go of the pharaohs wound and he will bleed out or watch Ammon fight these guys.

I have to do what Ammon wants and he probably wants me to save his dad I think..

One of the men came up behind Ammon and grabbed him so the other could stab him

"Ammon!" I screamed.

The man Ammon punched in the face came up behind me and pulled me close.

"Listen princess I'm going to kill your sweet prince and than I'll take and we can have some fun." he whispered in my ear.

I felt sick. This man was disgusting!

I knew I couldn't let go of the pharaoh. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. I knew I was going to have to do something to slow down this man, but what?

"You can have me now." I said.

I turned my head seeing him smile he came closer trying to kiss me. His eyes were closed. Was he trying to make this romantic?

I lifted my leg up trying to be as sexy as possible. I than kicked him in a place no man wanted to be kicked. He fell to the ground crying in pain.

I smiled and looked at the pharaoh his wound was still bleeding but it was slowing down. I turned my head and I saw no one else.


Where did Ammon go!?

"Ammon! Ammon!" I screamed.

I could feel the tears running down my face.

"Anippe I'm right here it's okay."

He Said while putting his hand on my shoulder.

I didn't turn around all though I wanted to hug him, but I couldn't let go of the pharaoh and I didn't want him to see me cry again.

I relaxed my shoulders letting Ammon know I'm okay.

...I'm gonna play a game with all my readers. You can write me on my message board, my inbox, or in the comments on any chapter. What I mean is ask me any question and I will personally answer you or answer you in my next chapter. You may ask me anything. For example ( what's Ammon favorite color, what was anippe life like before, why does Selma love flowers so much?) anything like that. So I hope you all play :D I'm very excited! I'm hoping it will help me with my writers block! Thank you guys! You have no idea how thankful I am to have readers like you guys!:D <3 <3...

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