7. The Beginning Of The End

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It's been 24 hours since Tristan was sucked into what I now know is a portal to another earth. I've been going out of my mind. I haven't ate or slept, all I've been doing is encoding. Tristan was transported to a planet parallel to ours, only accessible through this breach. But that's not the only thing I've been thinking of, I want Trevor. But I'm pretty sure he wants nothing to do with me, I'm torn apart from what I did. I need to get away, so luckily I'm the only one in the world that has a hidden portal to another planet.

The only option I've seen to get him back is to go after him. So, I guess that's what I'm doing. I'm not expecting to be long, just until I can find Tristan and take him back with me.

I'm standing in front of the portal, ready to open it. I close my eyes, and my whole life flashes before my eyes. The day I met Trevor, our first kiss, meeting each other's family's, all up until the stupid mistake I made. Before I leave this earth, I'm going to try one more time.

I selected Trevor's number in my phone, and pressed call. It rang once... Twice... Three times, and then it picked up, but no one said hello. All I heard was two voices, one was Trevor's and the other I didn't recognize. It was muffled laughing, and then Trevor said, "You're really helping me get my mind off her, let me take you out to lunch tomorrow?" Then I heard more flirting, giggling, and enough to make me sick to my stomach. I hung up after a minute. He must have had his phone in his pocket, and he was hanging out with some girl and now they're going to go out. I feel like a knife just stabbed into my heart and I'm getting chills all down my back. There are no tears coming out, but I feel them there. I'm so hurt, but I deserve this, I don't deserve him.

Filled up with jealousy, anger, and betrayal, I press the button and step towards the tunnel.

"Here goes nothing," I stare ahead of me with nothing on my mind except how hurt I feel, and then I start running. I could hear the door closing behind me, and I just kept going faster and faster. I'm getting tingles all throughout my body, it feels like I'm not on solid ground anymore. There's a light I can see now, it's almost like I'm dying. Is this what it would feel like?

I reach the blinding light and by this point I don't feel anything at all. When's the part when I get torn to pieces? Then everything went black.


I open my eyes trying to adjust to a strange feeling. I'm laying on the ground, and It's taking me a little while to remember what just happened. I'm behind a building, a tall white building with no windows. I think I made it to this so-called parallel earth.

As soon as I'm able to stand, I walk around the corner of this building. I'm in shock from what I see. It's very futuristic, these aren't cars but they are some type of hovering vehicle, and people are walking on the streets dressed mostly in black.

"Can I help you?" A male voice coming from behind me made me escape the trance. I turned around to see a middle aged man standing next to a gas pump.

"Excuse me miss but you are in the way of incoming Racs," he told me. I looked behind me thinking, what the hell are Racs? But then I see a small group of those strange vehicles gathered behind me.

"Um oh sorry," I quickly moved out of the way in embarrassment and started walking down the street. But then I remembered that if that is where the portal sent me, then that must be where it sent Tristan. I ran back to the gas guy.

"Sorry to bother you, but about a day ago did you see a guy show up here just like I did, he's about this tall with brown hair probably looked confused-"

"Listen I don't have time for this, what's your problem?" He was annoyed.

"Just please tell me where he went if you saw him," I asked politely.

"Ugh, he ran down that street and checked into that Loeth," he pointed across the road. I thanked him and walked away.

"Loeth? What does that mean? I looked at the tall building ahead of me. And then I realized something, everything around here was slightly off. There was a large sign that read Wubsay, but was coloured with green and yellow with a large arrow. Racs? Loeth? Wubsay? These are words that can be translated to cars, hotel, and Subway.

How do I know this? Because all of the signs and billboards and stores are shown in a strange language. The same one my dad brought home to share with my mother, and that my mother shared with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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