All That I Got

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This is just a filler chapter.  We're not completly sure if anyone wants us to keep this going So we'll do a couple more updates and see where this goes.  Thanks for reading, and if youre liking it so far we would really appreciate a comment. Maybe even say where you would like to see this go? Lots of Love - Brookie and Em


I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got

I guess, I remember every glance you shot me

Jacks POV:

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. Fuck. What did I get myself into last night? I let some stranger take me to his house and then stayed the night. My only excuse is a fragile mental state… but I’ve had that for a very long time and I’ve never done anything this thoughtless before!

I opened the bedroom door and peeked out into the empty hallway. What was that noise? I stepped completely into the hallway only to realize it was music; specifically What’s My Age Again by Blink-182. I smiled as the music got louder; after all it was one of my favorite songs.  As I walked into the living area I was bombarded by the smell of eggs and bacon. My stomach growled, sniffing the air i hoped my dog like senses would lead me straight to the kitchen

I cautiously tip-toed towards the door which the smell was wafting from, I didn’t want to surprise.. uhm whats his name? Oh yeah, Alex.  I pushed the door open and gazed in; it didn’t look like there was anyone in there. I stepped in only to be knocked to the floor by another body, uncooked eggs spilling everywhere. Shit! I covered my face with my hands preparing for the strike that was bound to come for causing a mess like this.

Alex POV:

With the mixed up eggs in my hand I turned to walk to the stove only to run smack dab into Jack.  The eggs splattered wall-to-wall and all over the dark haired boy. I quickly straightened myself out and went to help Jack up. I extended my hand toward him and he flinched away, he had his arms crossed over his face with obvious fear in his eyes.  My god, he looked like a scared animal.

I knelt down and put my hand on his back rubbing in slow circles. He tensed under my touch.

“It’s okay Jack, I’m not going to hurt you.” I whispered softly. He relaxed and slowly stood up.  Showing little sign of the terror he had before.

“Crap, you’re a mess.” I stated looking over his egg covered torso. “You need to shower, ill show you where it is.” He nodded as I motioned for him to follow me down the hallway; leading him down the long hall until we arrived in my bedroom.

“Well, my shower is the only one in the house that works so you’ll have to use it. Everything should be in there.” I said nonchalantly and tossed him a towel.

“Thanks” he whispered before going into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

I frowned as I thought back on how frightened he was only moments ago, what could cause someone to be so genuinely terrified of people?  I sighed thoughtfully as I walked back to the kitchen to clean up and finish making breakfast.

*flash back*

Jacks POV

I cringed as the plates smashed to the floor, spilling salad and chicken all over.  Shit.  Seconds later there were heavy footsteps rushing towards the kitchen.

“FAGGOT! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?” My father’s voice bellowed. Just as I expected; I was going to get a beating for this. I braced myself as my father burst through the kitchen door.

“Goddammit! You really can’t do anything right can you?” He growled through gritted teeth.  Then he charged at me and assaulted me with several punches and kicks to the stomach. By the time he was done I was curled into a sniveling ball on the floor.

“Clean this shit up” He snarled before spitting on me and leaving the kitchen.

*Present Time*

Alex POV:

After cleaning up the floor and finishing making breakfast I made a plate for both me and Jack and set them on the table.

Damn that kid takes a long shower it’s nearly been thirty minutes! I was about to go check on him when he emerged through the doorway drying his soaking wet hair with a towel.  He wore his gray skinny jeans and no shirt.

I couldn’t help but drool while staring at his bare chest, god he was beautiful.

*clears throat*”Um, Alex? Could I borrow a shirt.” He said with a small smirk

I was snapped from my little world and immediately turned bright red. “Yeah, sure” I mumbled and went to grab a shirt from my room. All the while trying to ignore the hope that he had a sparkle in his eye when he caught me oogling over him. As though he liked that I was gazing at him, but I know; that is completely ridiculous.

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