Love Like War

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Hey guys! So this is a short and importamt update! You barely commented on the last one and it made us sad. 4 comments is all we want! Just 4! Annywwaaayy, thanks for sticking with this story it means the world to us. COMMENT, VOTE, TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!! <3 Brookie and Em

We go together,

Or we don't go down at all


**Trigger Warning**

Alex POV

I curled into a ball on the cement. My world had been shattered. I had only known the spunky boy for a little over five weeks. Yet, I felt like I couldn’t live without him. Hot tears streamed down my face, I felt hollow. Like nothing mattered, nothing was worth anything. I couldn’t even stop the man I loved from committing suicide. 

I turned my head and stared at the black abyss above me, vaguely seeing each star fade out one by one.  Before I knew it, it was daybreak. The sun peaked over the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the previously dark expansion. I knew I couldn’t remain curled into myself on a, soon to be busy, city street.

I rubbed my raw eyes and tear soaked cheeks before bringing myself to my feet and starting the lonely trek home.  The harsh wind pierced my clothing and chilled my soul, do I really want to go home? To a house void of the warmth and companionship that it so recently had?

No, but where else could I go? I can’t go into the coffee shop looking like this, there would be all sorts of questions. No, I’ll go back to the empty house.

As I arrived at my house I paused—what will it be like in there? Can I handle it?

I slid my key into the lock and pushed open the door. The house was unsettlingly quiet.  Almost as if even the walls and banisters were mourning Jacks death. As I stepped inside I was overwhelmed with grief. So I decided to go to the place I always would: my music room.  

I ascended the latter and stepped into my room, that’s when I saw his bean bag chair. I started hyperventilating; I was going to have one of my panic attacks. My breath was short and I felt like I was going to puke. Sobbing once again I lost hold of all rational thought.  I climbed back into the main part of the house and walked slowly towards Jacks room.

I swung the door open and proceeded to where his night stand was. I knew it was where he kept his razor. I opened the top drawer and shuffled through his belongings before finding the cold blade I desired.  Holding it gingerly in my hand I headed back to my music room. If I was going to do it anywhere it had to be there.

 I slowly climbed the ladder into the room that once held such joy for me, and fell into Jacks bean bag chair. Tears slid down my face as I positioned the razor vertically over my wrist. “Oh God, Can I do this?” I whimpered.

Jacks Pov

I walked out of the Sheriff’s office with a restraining order and report forms in my hand. That had taken forever, but at least I’m now on the path to being truly free from the plague of my father.

Now I just have to explain everything to Alex.

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