Time Bomb

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Hey guys! Sorry that took awhile but again school. Anyway, we really hope you enjoy this chapter!! Please remember to comment, we really appreciate it and havent really gotten many recently! VOTE COMMENT FAVORITE AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!! Haha- Brookie and Em <3

It was like a time bomb set into motion
We knew that we were destined to explode
And if I have to pull you out of the wreckage
You know I'm never gonna let you go
We're like a time bomb
Gonna lose it, let's defuse it
Baby, we're like a time bomb
But I need it
Wouldn't have it any other way


Alex Pov

Stepping into the house I called Jacks name softly. No reply. As I turned the corner to the living room I could hear a faint snoring and saw Jacks sleeping body on the couch.  I walked over and stared at his peaceful face. He looked so relaxed; I brushed the hair off of his face then softly kissed his forehead.

I don’t really know much about him, but I feel so close to him. I’ve only known him for about 2 weeks yet I can’t imagine life without him around. I think I might….. I quickly wiped the thought from my mind and went to set up Jacks bean bag chair.

Dragging the heavy blue beanbag chair up the latter was immensely difficult. But I managed to pull it up there and set it next to my purple one. I fit quite well. I hope he’ll like it.

I climbed back down the latter to wake up Jack. To my surprise he was no longer on the couch and instead standing below me with a surprised look on his face.  I beckoned him to follow me into the attic.

Jacks Pov

Why on earth is Alex bringing me into his music room? I thought back on earlier events, my cheeks heated and I swiftly brushed the thought from my mind. As I emerged in the beautiful attic I was surprised to see an addition to the room. Alex was sitting in his bean bag chair. Next to it was a matching blue one.

“So, I figured if you were gunna be using this room you should have one of your own.” He said shyly. “Do you uh.. like it?” he stuttered out. I realized I was just staring at him blankly. I quickly strode over to the chair and plopped down.  

“I love it” I said before kissing him on the cheek. “Thank you.”

Alex turned bright red and stood up. “Uh no problem, well,, uh glad you like it. I’m just gunna go to bed. So uhm. See you tomorrow.” He turned and left the attic leaving me to think. Does Alex.. think of me as.. well.. I mean does he have feelings for me? I mean I know he kissed me but that could’ve just been a support thing. I don’t know. I climbed down from the attic and walked to my room. I fell asleep with thoughts of nothing but Alex.


I woke up and decided to make us breakfast, I heard the shower start so I knew Alex was awake already. Better hurry. I grabbed the pancake mix out of the pantry and all the wet ingredients from the fridge and started mixing.  As I was mixing some of the batter splattered across my bare chest.  Crap. I reached across to grab a towel when I felt something run across my hand. What? I thought to myself. Looking over I noticed a giant spider sitting next to where my hand just was. “SPPPIIDDDEEEERRRRRRR” I yelled before taking off into the hallway, only to run straight into something.

Alex Pov

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. Suddenly I heard Jack scream, so I ran down the hall only to have Jack smash into my side.  This caused us to end up on the floor with him on top of me.

“What the hell Jack?” I mumbled, although it was hard to talk with all his weight on my chest.

“Sorry” he said as he held himself up with his arms. That’s when we both noticed that I was naked and he was shirtless. “Uh shit sorry” He said again. He then used his arms to pick himself up causing him to press his lower half against my now bare crotch. As the towel fell off in the collision. I could feel myself getting hard and suddenly felt very exposed.  I pushed Jack off of me and quickly wrapped the towel around my waist.  But apparently I didn’t hide myself quickly enough because Jack Immediately said,

“God, I’m so sorry Alex.. ill uh.. leave you to deal with that.” He turned and quickly walked into the living room. I was blushing head to toe. But I walked into the bathroom to deal with it.

Jacks Pov

As I walked away I could feel my cheeks heat up. That was so embarrassing. I have to say he was quite gifted in that region. My face flushed even more and I tried to stop thinking about it. Otherwise I was going to have my own little problem to deal with.

Shit I cant even go back to fix breakfast because of that freaking spider! I sat on the couch and just waited for Alex to come back… so I can get him to kill it!

Alex walked back into the room and wouldn’t even look at me.

“Alex its okay” I said “It happens to everyone, will you please look at me?” Alex turned to me, he was completely red in the face. “Good. Now that you’re looking at me, go kill the spider in the kitchen.” I stated.

Alex rolled his eyes “Jack is that really why you ran? A spider?!”

“It was like a foot long” I squealed before thinking back to the other thing that was like a foot long. I felt the blood rush to my face and hoped Alex discounted it to the spider thing.  

“Okay” he sighed “Show me where it is.”

I lead him back to the kitchen and pointed out the spider. He grabbed it with a paper towel then went and flushed it down the toilet.

“Alright Jack, Its gone. Now I have to go to work.”  Alex said while patting me on the head and grabbing his keys.  “See ya later” He grabbed his coat and headed out the door.

Alex Pov

I walked out the door and the cool morning air caressed my face.  Man this morning was eventful. I was still blushing as I rounded the corner and saw that the car from yesterday was here again. Well, that’s really freakin’ weird.

I walked over to the car and the strange man rolled his window down. 

“Hey man, are you looking for someone or what? Cause I think you’ve got the wrong house” I stated.

The man smirked at me and replied “No, I’ve got the right house. In fact I was looking for you.  You see I’m not too happy with you. You’ve taken something from me.”

I was very confused and slightly offended “What the hell? I’ve never seen you before in my life. How could I have taken something from you? In fact, who the fuck are you?” I said feeling quite exasperated.

His face turned dark as he responded “I’m Jacks father.”

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