14. party

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Babe: hei

Justin: wow you're text me first

Babe: lol I know

Justin: brb
Justin: gonna mark my calendar with caption "my babe text me first"

Babe: wth!
Babe: creep!

Justin: so sarcastic

Babe: that's me

Justin: but i like it

Babe: btw apa kau pergi ke pesta Stephanie, malam ini?

Justin: I think yeah

Babe: dengan siapa?

Justin: usually I go alone

Babe: I think about something

Justin: about what?

Babe: maybe we could meet face to face

Justin: bad idea girl

Babe: I'm so tired with ur game, u know?

Justin: I'm not playin a game

Babe: yes you're
Babe: your hint? You forget that

Justin: omg I should tell u a few days ago, right?

Babe: correct!

Justin: kau begitu perhatian ya

Babe: aku akan mati penasaran jika tidak mengetahui siapa dirimu

Justin: pls don't die
Justin: I can't life without you
Justin: I can't function without you

Babe: wow

Justin: :-*

haihai vomment bisa kali ya ;-) #fastupdate

Stalker ft. bieberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang