Taco Hell

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     I was walking to Taco Bell with Audrey and Laken. I hadn't seen Derek since last night, but I'm sure he can take care of himself. He's the big bad wolf.
     "So what's up with you and Stiles?" I asked Laken. Her face turned a light shade of red and she smiled brightly.
     "He asked me out! We are dating now! Can you believe it!? My childhood best friend!" she spoke without missing a beat. Audrey gave me a smirk and I knew what she was gonna ask.
     "Has he tried getting in your pants yet?" typical Audrey, always wanting to know the dirty things. But, that's why we love her. Laken laughed and playfully hit Audrey.
     "Wouldn't you like to know!" We all laughed as we walked in a quiet taco bell. It was strange. Nobody was inside, not even the workers.
     "Maybe we should go," Laken suggested. Audrey looked at her like she was crazy. Audrey loved the dangerous and impossible.
     "Nah" I just simply stated. The next thing I saw was claws. My face was drowned in pain as the claws connected. I couldn't see Laken but I saw Audrey shift. I was a little too shocked to do anything, so I just sat until I could force my body into movement. I didn't know who or what I was fighting, I was in a blind rage. I was slashing at everything and biting at whatever came close to my face. I heard Laken scream that scream nobody wants to hear unless it's saving your life. It usually doesn't affect me or the others since she has this thing where she can target who gets affected. Which I dont understand. I fell to the ground covering my ears. The screaming continued until I finally was beating my head against the floor violently.
     "Make it stop! Make it stop!" I started howling. The screaming stopped and I stood up, wobbly. I looked at the dead bodies around me. They were werewolves. One hellhound.
     "Are you okay?" Laken asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I jerked away and stormed to the door.
     "I'm fine," I snapped, swinging the door open.

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