Chapter 31-Emily's Pack

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We followed a windy stretch of tree lined road until we pulled up to a large two-story house that was surrounded by forest. It had a long porch across the front where a seat was strung from the ceiling. The house itself was modern, it had a slanted metal roof, and a large glass sliding door but smaller windows on either side. Bright flowering plants grew along the porch. I let out a sigh of relief, I wasn't sure what I had been expecting but it looked a lot better than I had anticipated on our trip out here.

"We're here." Emily smiled, "It's not much, but I hope it's okay."

"This is great, thanks Emily." Calum nods as he parks. He looks a little astounded, I don't think he'd been expecting it either. Neither had I to be honest.

The four of us hop out the car and follow Emily inside, putting our gear in the living room as we entered as Emily hadn't quite worked out where we'd be sleeping yet.

"Em! You're back!" An excited voice yelled when we were barely in the doorway. There were hurried footsteps and small hands wrapped around Emily. Big green eyes appeared from behind her a few seconds later. She looked around at us with a worried expression. "Who are they?"

"They're friends." Emily smiled at her, before turning to us.

"Guys, this is Pip. My beta." She says gesturing to the small red-haired girl who had come out from behind her. She was young, maybe about twelve at most. She wore a navy bomber jacket and purple tights with a pink t-shirt covered in sparkly stars.

"Hello." She smiled, politely. Still she clung to Emily as if she were a shield. Noticing the girls' reaction, Emily quickly introduced us to her, and explained in the simplest terms why we were here. She nodded and stepped out from behind Emily, with a small grin on her face as she surveyed the four of us.

"So, they're going to be here for a while, right?" Pip asked looking up at Emily after her inspection was done.

"Yes, they probably will be, so be nice to them okay?" Emily smiles at her.

Pip nodded quickly. "I will." She looked at us, before quietly squeaking, "If it's okay now. I'm going back to my game."

With that she disappeared from the corridor before anyone could say anything. Michael stifled a laugh. I knew that was exactly the kind of thing he would do.

"Guys I ask that you be extra nice to her while you're here." Emily spoke with a concerned expression, "She hasn't had the easiest of childhoods. She was turned quite young and lived in an environment not suited to a little girl. So, she's very wary of new people."

"So, she's not a natural born?" Calum asked.

Emily shook her head, a sad look crosses her face, "Not a natural born, she's not even thirteen yet. Some boys in her housing flat were werewolves and decided to turn her for fun when she was about eight. It wasn't easy on her parents either, somehow a few years back not long after it happened they managed to get in touch with me. When we met I felt a strong connection to her, and her to me, so we've been a pack ever since. Recently though, her mother has fallen ill and has had to move into the city for her treatments. So, her parents decided that it would be best for her to come and live with me. She was quiet as a mouse when she first came here. She's getting there slowly."

The four of us were silent. I wondered what it was like to be so young and have experienced as I just had. Even Calum who had been the youngest and first to shift looked stunned. Then her mother was unwell now too, to be so young and experience such awful circumstances.

Emily blushed, "Probably not the best story to start you off here, but I thought you should know. She can be a little sensitive at times, so be gentle."

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