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Connor opened his eyes to the sunlight shining from his bedroom window. His eyebrows immediately furrowed together since the sun isn't even out when he wakes up in the morning because school starts so early. The thought made his head turn to his nightstand where his phone rested. He reached out and checked the time, then noticing that he only had fifteen minutes before the school bell rang.

Being late to school wasn't a big deal to Connor. Yeah, it does affect him but he honestly did not care. So Connor being Connor, he got out of bed and started getting ready at a normal pace while he heard his siblings scream and rush outside his bedroom door.

After a couple of minutes, he grabbed the keys to his car, his backpack, and ear buds. He kissed his mother's cheek goodbye and threw a piece of gum in his mouth before making his way to his Jeep and getting inside.  Checking the time, he saw that he had five minutes to get to school before it was a tardy which he still didn't care for.

Also, he was dreading that day because it would be his first day attending the Songwriting/Glee Club. At least his parents we're now off his back about the topic but he was going to be holding a very huge grunge because of it. It was his thing.

When Connor finally got to school, he put in his earbuds and walked inside after locking his car. He went to the front office which was right next to the front double doors. There was the receptionist sitting behind the desk, looking bored out of her mind. "Ah, Connor. Late once again?"

"Aren't I always Tabatha?" Connor asked sarcastically, tapping his fingers on the desk as he watched the receptionist spin around in her chair. This was almost a regular thing for the two. Connor comes in late, Tabatha makes a comment and he responds sarcastically. He didn't like her at all because of it. She was just like him.

She nodded as she wrote down a tardy slip for Connor, rippling it off the pad and handing it to him. "Hope to see you tomorrow."

"Let's hope not." Connor smiled once again sarcastically as he walked out of the office. He made his way to his first class which had already started so this meant the halls were empty. Connor smirked to himself before rushing over to Troye's locker. He took the gum that was in his mouth and between his fingers, sticking the gum onto the handle of the locker. He knew that the pale boy hated sticky things so this action was pretty funny to him, immature? Yes.

Smirking even more, Connor began to walk to his first class of the day. The sound of his shoes hit the pale tiles loudly as he walked down the hall and to the door. He opened it, the class inside immediately turning their heads to see who it was. Mrs. Hart, his teacher looked over to him. "You're late, Mr. Franta. What's your excuse?"

"Woke up late." Connor replied, handing her the tardy pass before walking to his seat which was next to Ally who looked incredibly interested in Connor the second he walked in. He sat down, plopping his backpack on the ground and underneath his chair as Mrs. Hart continued teaching.

Ally glanced to Mrs. Hart to make sure that she wasn't looking before leaning over to Connor and punched his arm. "Why are you smirking? Did you do something?"

"It's nothing." Connor said, keeping his eyes forward as he tapped his finger on his desk. He turned his head to see Troye already looking at him. When they made eye contact, Connor smirked even more which made the pale boy furrow his eyebrows, making Connor laugh lightly and turn his head back to the front of the classroom.

As the class was coming to an end, Connor wanted to scream his lungs out because of how slow Mrs. Hart was talking. She was honestly one of the slowest teachers and could barely get through a lesson before the bell rings. Everyone had gotten used to it, except for Connor of course.

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