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"Johnson!" Jenn called out from down the hall at school. She watched Lia stand by her locker, grabbing a few text books slowly. The girl looked beautiful from several feet away. For a couple of seconds, she stood by the entrance double doors, waiting for Lia to look back at her.

When their eyes locked, Lia's own widened. Quickly, she clutched the textbooks to her chest and slammed her locker shut with a loud bang after breaking the eye contact. She glanced back to Jenn once more before rushing the opposite direction.

"You can run, bitch! But, you certainly can't hide!" Jenn yelled, immediately chasing after her. Neither girls cared that teachers were calling to them to slow down and students wondering what was going on between them. It was rare when Jenn and Lia didn't talk and everyone knew it.

Lia pushed open the doors that led to the outdoor cafeteria where a few kids sat before classes started. Glancing back, she didn't see Jenn. She sighed in relief, bringing her head forward but was met with Connor. "Hey, Green Eyes."

"What are you running from, Lia? Realizing that someone romantically cares for you? Why are you so scared of that?" Connor asked, ignoring the nickname he was given out of nowhere. He knew that when Jenn would try to talk to Lia, the tan girl would run away. He knew exactly where she was going to go.

Rolling her eyes, Lia brushed the hair from her eyes. "Guess what?"


"You're a fatass." Lia said. When Connor stepped to the side, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around her hips and she was tackled to the ground. The textbooks flew out of her hands and onto the dying green grass. "What the hell?! You idiot! Get off me!"

"We need to talk!" Jenn shouted, her head resting on the back of Lia's neck as she laid on top of her best friend. Lia continued to struggle underneath her hold until she managed to flip the blue-eyed girl over. She then tried to crawl away but was stopped by a hand wrapped around her ankle which dragged her back. "You can't keep avoiding me!"

Tugging her ankle roughly from Jenn's grip, Lia pushed the girl on her back to give her a few seconds to escape. Instead of Jenn retrieving her back, it was Connor who sat on top of her with a slight force. "Since I'm so fat, I will sit on you until you agree to talk to Jenn about the kiss and your feelings."

"You told him?!" Lia exclaimed to Jenn, whipping her head towards Jenn who was now sitting next to them with a blank expression on her face.

Staring at her in confusion, Jenn nodded her head as the wind blew blonde hair into her face. "Of course I did, you douche! You weren't talking to me and Connor is the only other friend I have. Just—Please talk to me."

"...Fine." Lia sighed, aggressively shoving Connor off of her stomach. The green-eyed boy fell on his side with a groan as the first bell rang throughout the school. Standing up after grabbing her textbooks, she looked over to Jenn. "We can talk after school."

Shaking her head, Jenn laughed. "No. We both know you'll leave school early before we do. We're gonna talk now. Sit." Both girls sat at one of the blue lunch tables as the cold breeze grew stronger. Tightening her coat around herself, Jenn sighed to herself. "I like you, Lia."

"That was straight forward." Lia muttered, picking at her fingernails. Her head was down, avoiding eye contact with the girl she was in love with. Confronting a situation like this was difficult, she had no idea what to say."

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