Kyreesha Keller(Ky)

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The first day of Senior year!!! I'm stoked but nervous at the same time. Although I have gone to the same school for my whole high school career it's still nerve-racking. Possibly new teachers, new people in your class, and new classes. I've lived in the same town for about 7 years now almost 8.

Normally like every school day I would be tired, but not today I got up easily. I never quite understood why I always get excited the night before the first day of school, but then I always figure my friends.With a long deserved stretch, I slowly walk towards my closet. I find my plain white v-neck, dark blue skinny jeans, and black vans. My usual outfit.

I go into my bathroom and look in the mirror (my hair is normally naturally curly but I always straighten it), i turn on the straightening iron and straighten my poofy yet curly hair. It took me about 30-45 minutes giving me time to eat and get everything else ready.

I walked down the stairs to find everyone getting ready for their first day as well. My brother who is now a Sophomore, my little brother and sister who are still in elementary school, and myself a Senior. My stepdad is a lieutenant as a firefighter and my mom is a stay at home mom. As for my real dad he works in Santa Cruz but I only see him ever so often due to school.

I grab an apple and a protein bar for breakfast, since I don't have a fourth period I just come home for lunch, or go out with a friend for lunch since I'm free for like 2 hours.

"You have everything you need?" my mom asks.

"Yeah I think so, I'm just really nervous for some reason." I replied.

"Everything will be fine, you worry so much sometimes, you get that from me. Your a Senior now, your at the top now, nothing to worry about." my mom replies with a smile.

"Maybe I should stop hanging around you then and I know I know, there is nothing to worry about, except graduation. Graduation is...I don't even want to think about it right now." I laughed.

I grabbed my keys, my lanyard with my I.D. card, and my backpack while walking to the front door.

"Bye mom! Love you!" I yelled out.

"Bye love you too!" she yelled back as I headed out the front door with my brother to my car.

My car is a 2010 black jeep wrangler automatic, I probably could not drive a stick shift for my life. This car always reminds me of the beach. My hometown.

We arrive at the school, the student parking lot is packed, considering that we are early, but the first day is always busy. I finally found a parking space, my brother and I parted our ways to find our own friends. As I was about to walk through the parking lot I saw a red mustang with black racing stripes parked right beside my jeep. 'Aiden' I thought. I just shook my head, he couldn't be here, he's all the way in Virginia.

I reached for my phone as I walked to find my friends, I got many texts from friends saying how excited they were to see me again. Some asking where I was, as I walked through the school I received smiles and 'hi's' from many friends, and many hugs. I may not be 'popular' but I do know a lot of people considering I'm in a Senior class of about 400 kids and most of them I have grown up with since middle school.

I finally reach my destination, my school is like a small college campus, it's pretty big.

Smiles, hugs, and 'what did you do over summers?' were exchanged. We talked until the first bell at 8:08 rang to go to class.

All of my classes were really great so far. My teachers are really nice and I love my classes and the people in them.

As third period is coming to an end, my mind starts to wander towards that red mustang in the parking lot. Aiden had told me about it over a thousand times. But people have this car all over the world...what was I thinking.

The bell rings for the end of third period, I grab my things and walk towards the student parking lot.

Getting into my jeep, I pull out my phone, I go onto Wattpad, I see that I have a message. From Aiden!!!

Saying: "Hey Ky! I'm here in California and it's diffenatley different from Virgina hahaha. But it's the first day of school and it's horrible. I wish you went to the same school as I do? Hm? What school do you go to? But I was wondering if you have any plans for lunch?" I carefully re-read every word, just to see if I had read it correctly!!

Aiden was here!!! Well not here here I don't think? I hope he is...but he's in California!!! Maybe my suspicions are correct. I mean maybe that was his mustang.

I have to message him back. As I click on the message box I type: Ky~"Aiden!!! Oh my goodness!!! Your actually here in California!!! Why? When? How? Where? Haha sorry for all the questions but I need answers!! Aww I'm soo sorry I wish I could show you around. I go to Heritage High School(my actual school). Where do you go? Somethings been bugging me all day, there's a red mustang with black racing stripes parked right next to me and it reminded me of you. Wouldn't that be awesome if it is you:). And I have no plans for lunch, why do you ask?;)

I put my phone back in my pocket, staring through the windshield of my car as I sit in silence.

I sit thinking to myself 'what am I gonna do if he goes here that would really make this the best year of my life' I smile.

I look up from smiling as I put my key in the ignition and start up my jeep. I put my seatbelt on.

As I turn my breath is hitched in my throat, I see the owner of that addictive, beautiful, red and black mustang....

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