Aiden Moore

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It was the first morning of being in California. I love California it was where I was originally from but right when I made friends I had to leave. Perfect! But hopefully I'll see Ky soon? I hope she goes to the same school? Oh jeez how do I know if it's her? I havn't ever seen her face? I had to be strong and confident today like I always am. I just hate being the new kid all the time.

I sat up on my bed and put my head in my hands. "UH..." I mumbled.

I shot up from the bed half asleep like I always am in the mornings. I'm not a morning person. I grabbed my dark jeans, vans and a blue v-neck. I'm obsessed with v-necks by the way.

I tried to make my hair look not so bad cause I had bad bed hair, but it failed so I decided to go with the messy hair today. I really didn't care. I walked down the stairs and is it possible to get lost in your house? Yes it is cause I did. It took me 15 minutes to find the kitchen. I had to follow the smell of bacon and eggs to find it. I found my mother cooking? She never cooks we usually eat out all the time?

"Good Morning!" said my mother.

"Ok who are you and what did you do with my real mom?" I asked.

"What?" She smiled flipping a egg in the pan.

"You never cook?" I said.

"Fresh start!" Mom smiled.

"These better be good? Cause if I get sick today I'm blaming it on you." I joked.

"Haha don't be silly I only poisoned it." She smiled pushed a plate off eggs, bacon and toast to me.

"Haha very funny. But no did you really?" I asked serious.

"No! Now eat." Mom smiled.

"Good morning dear!" Dad smiled and kissed mom on the cheek.

"Morning." Mom smiled flirty.

"Oh gross!" I said.

"What?" Mom asked.

"I know that look. You always have that look after you two have.......uh so gross." I said.

"We had to it was a new room!" Mom teased.

"I think I'm about to puke." I joked and ate a big bite of my eggs.

"Ok it's getting late so eat up and get your butt to school!" Mom smiled.

"Sure." I smiled. I ate the rest of my eggs and grabbed my back pack. I walked outside and the California breeze was so fimiliar I had a feeling that we were gonna be here for awhile. I rushed to my red mustang with black racing stripes and basically jumped in and drove to school. THe california roads were different from the Virginia roads, more idiots driving here then V.A. THe school was huge and the parking lot was flooded with cars and teenagers. I felt all the sudden very nervous my plams were sweating my heart was racing faster. I barley found a good parking spot, I took a mintue t in my car until I climbed out. I grabbed my back pack and just walked straight to the school doors. I immeditaly felt eyes on me and I felt like every little whisper was about me.

I got my I.D. card and locker number and combination and headed to the new year of a living hell. It wouldn't be too bad but I've never really been good with the first day and stuff. Tomorrow I'd be better and more comfortabe since I know what I'm doing then, I'd try to make an effort of making new friends. Which aslo brought my mind to her. I wondered if Ky went to this school. If she lived around here? i couldn't get her off my mind, she's the only thing that made me want to move to California. i couldn't wait for free period so I could get online and chat with her. TIme passed easy and I noticed I was getting alot of attention but was it the good type or bad?

I shrugged it off I was probably just paranoid or something? I headed towards the computer's for free period. I Sat down in front of the desktop and turned it on. I went as fast as I possibly could i logged into my wattpad account and messaged her.

aiden~"Hey ky! I'm here in California and it's diffenatley different from Virginia hahaha. But it's the first day of school and it's horrible. I wish you went to the same school as I do? Hm? What school do you go to? But I was wondering if you have any plans for lunch?" I typed the words as fast as my finger's could possibly type and sent the message. I waited for an answer and then..... 'BEEP" the message tone rang and so did the bell for end of next period.

"Uh crap! I'll read you later!" I said and ran to my next class.



Well this was the very beginning of Aiden Moore!

I hope you like it!




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