Believe (Aiden)

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I had just met Ky today and it felt like I had known her for years? We had already so many inside jokes. Honestly she had to be probably the most awesome, funniest girl I have ever met. We decided since we were both almost starving to get something to eat, so at the moment we were in her Jeep catching up. When the car came to a stop in front of a mall.

"God did I miss California." I thought. "But it's better with Ky here."

We shared a couple smiles and started walking towards the mall, and man was it huge! I already saw the stores that I shopped in. We kept on walking until I stopped dead in my tracks to what I saw.

A Red Robin.

I couldn't help but smile, red robin was one of my favorite places to eat. We both walked inside, got seated and ordered our food. I looked at Ky and still in disbelief that I was finally here with her. Again for the millionth time today I smiled at her.

"So how does it feel to be back in California?" Ky asked.

"It's great, I love it, I just can't believe that out of all the places in California, here is where I ended up. With you." I said with a smile.

"Whoa did I really just say that? She probably thinks I'm weird now? God Aiden cool it, you just met her!" I thought.

But to my disbelief again she said. "Aww, me either, I couldn't believe that it was you." She smiled back.

I honestly couldn't believe I was here in California with Ky. She was much prettier than I had ever imagined. That lunch was probably the best lunch that I had in a long time. Not only because the food was good, but it was Ky. She made it different and I liked having her around. Man did she have the cutest laugh, I heard it over a hundred times today and I still liked it. After we ate our food and spent maybe an hour talking the check came.

"I'll pay for it." Ky said politely reaching for the bill.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I couldn't grasp the whole day in my mind it was that good, but this was never going to happen. I snatched the bill before she could grab it.

"No the guy always pays for it, let me." I said with a smile.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really." I confirmed and slipped the money into the folder.

"Okay, I owe you then."She chuckled.

"No you don't, getting to see you is worth it." I said.

"Again with the lovey dovey stuff Aiden! You need to stop, I don't care how awesome, incredibly cute, and funny she is! Stop your gonna freak her out and then she'll never hang out with you!" I yelled to myself.

After we walked around the mall wondering what to do next. Then we came across the new movie theater.

"Hey Ky?" I asked.


"Have you seen Captain America?" I asked.

"Nope, have you?"

"Nope! Let's go watch it!" I said a little to excited about that and almost dragged her to the theater.

It was a school day and it was 2:00 pm. It was almost stranded there in the theater. We walked up to the ticket booth. "Two tickets to see Captain America please."

"Hold on! I'm paying this time." Ky interrupted.

"No I don't want you to pay for it. The gentleman pays for the girl." I said.

"I want to pay for it, you got lunch remember?" She smiled.

"Nope, now I'm paying." I almost whined.

"Here I pay for the ticket's you pay for the popcorn and soda?" Ky asked.

I thought about it for a little bit until I saw not only the lady that worked behind the booth was getting impatient so was Ky. " Fine. But I better pay for the popcorn and soda." I caved.

Ky paid for the tickets and we both walked in and loaded up on popcorn, soda, and candy. I didn't like Ky paying at all, but she was so stubborn. We got the perfect seats in the theater, we were the only people in that theater. We sat down and talked until we saw the beginning credits. My eyes instantly were glued to the screen, when out of no where I felt like I had to look. I turn my head to see Ky smiling at me, I couldn't help but smile and thank god for the dim lighting cause then she probably would have seen me blush.

"Aiden how many times must I yell at you! You just met Ky! There's no way she could like you in that way. Plus you just got out of a bad relationship remember! Take it slow and easy. Ky just looks at you as a friend." I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2011 ⏰

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