Chapter Twenty Four - Real

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2 weeks later
Katniss POV

"Babe I'm home!" I shout as I come through the front door after coming back from shopping with Annie.

"Hey" Peeta says as he comes down the stairs wearing a white buttoned up shirt and some black dress trousers.

"Woah what's with the fancy clothes?" I say playfully as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"It's a special occasion"

"Is it really?" I say smiling then I lean in for a kiss, we pull away and Peeta takes my hand, "Should I change if it's such a special occasion?" I ask looking down at my outfit I mean I do love this dress, it's a blue flowey dress that ends around my thigh.

"Nope you look beautiful just as you are" Peeta says as he takes me to the back garden, I see two sun lounger chairs are out and since I got back late the sun is setting.

We take a seat on the chairs and watch the sunset, I feel as though Peeta's not himself, he looks so nervous and he's shaking quite a bit. I reach over and touch his arm and he flinches, "Hey you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm great" Peeta says, clearing his throat, "Why don't we play a game?"

"Okay what kind of game?"

"What about our favourite?"

"Real or not real?"

"Let's do it" I nod with a smile.

"Your favourite colours green, real or not real?" Peeta asks me.

"Real" I smile remembering the first time I told him that, it was before I told him I loved him. It was also round about the time I told my parents I was the Peeta Mellark's girlfriend. That wasn't a good day until Peeta made it better.

2 years ago

"What is it Katniss?" Mum asks me, rolling her eyes, "just tell us!"

"Okay I'm, um, dating Peeta Mellark" I say quietly

"You're what?!" Mum shouts

"I'm his girlfriend actually" I whisper

"Katniss what on earth are you thinking! We know who he is and what he's known for! We know his parents! We've heard the story's! He dumbs girls all the time, he's one of those player people Katniss! God the things I've heard about him, I've heard he has sex with girls then dumbs them and that's what his mother told me! What if he.." But she trails off, she walks over to me and looks me in my eyes, "Katniss Everdeen please tell me you have not have sex with him!"

"Mum it's my virginity" I mumble.

That's when dad looses it, "Katniss you're sixteen for crying out loud!" He shouts

"Why are you shouting at me! It's my body, my feelings and my heart! I love him dad" i shout back, I walk over to my dad and I feel the tears stain my cheeks, "I love him"

"No Katniss, no you don't" Dad replies, putting his hands on my shoulders, "you just think you do sweetheart, you're too young to know what love is"

It's now I realise I'm not. I've never admitted it to myself or said it out load but I do, I love Peeta Mellark.

I run out the door and go to Peeta's house. His parents are out tonight as he told me over the phone earlier so I just open his front door and walk in.

"Peeta" I say as I find him in the living room, "hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" He says as he comes over to me. I hug him tightly and grip onto his shirt and that's when I break down.

We stand there in each other's embrace for a couple of minutes until Peeta pulls away and wipes the tears from my face, "I know what'll make you feel better, what about a game?" He asks and I have to laugh, even in moments like this Peeta always puts a smile on my face.

"It's a new game I thought we could play, it's called real or not real"

Present time

"Your favourite colours orange but not bright orange, more like the sunset, real or not real?" I ask him.

"Real" Peeta replies. In this moment I realise how far me and Peeta have come, we've been through everything together and we've came out still very much in love. I don't understand how this works, even though I have known Peeta I still get butterflies in my stomach everytime he says 'I love you' and I still feel like we're the only people in the world when we kiss just like the first time we did at that club almost 3 years ago.

"You love me, real or not real?" Peeta asks

"Real, that's always been real, Peeta" I smile.

Then Peeta stands up, I give him a confused look but then he takes my hands and stands me up too. He kisses me then pulls back. He then puts a hand in his pocket, "I love you" he whispers then he starts leaning down until he's on one knee.

I put my hand over my mouth and I feel the tears come to my eyes, "Peeta" I whisper.

"Katniss, I've set my sights on you from the minute I first saw you in that club. Even though the road to now has not been easy, it's been everything. I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else." Peeta says.

I'm full on crying now I let out a happy laugh and smile while I feel the tears run down my cheeks, Peeta takes my hand in his and says, "I love you, Katniss Everdeen and I always will."

Peeta pulls out a small box from his pocket and opens it; sitting inside is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's a rose gold, oval shaped, diamond ring.

"You'll marry me, real or not real?" Peeta asks.

I smile and rub his hand with my thumb. It's silent until I whisper, "Real"

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