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Warning - this isn't just going to be one of those epilogues that are like 10-20 years in the future; this epilogue is going to be WAY further in the future, when Katniss and Peeta are old. ALSO don't read if you don't want to get your heart broken.

50 + years later
Katniss POV

"Mrs Mellark he's not got much time left" The doctor tells me and I have to keep the tears back because if I start crying now I'm not going to be able to stop.

"What..um... What actually happened?" I ask

"We're honestly not sure. I think it's just with age Mrs Mellark, he does want to see you though, i think you should go and say your goodbyes"

I nod and walk down the hospital halls until I get to his room.

I see him sitting up in his hospital bed and moments later his eyes meet mine. He might have changed over the years but his eyes have always remained the same. That bright, sky blue. The eyes that have always held so much hope and still do despite the circumstances.

Just seeing him there I can't hold my tears back anymore. I run as fast as my legs can carry me, which is very fast because my legs are not what they used to be, and hug my husband.

"Please don't go" I say through the tears.

"I have too honey, I don't have a choice" he says back to me.

"But I can't be without you"

"Hey, hey, you're going to be fine." He says while tucking a loose piece of my hair behind my ear, just like he used too, "You are by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, the fact that I get to leave this earth knowing that I was loved, not just by anyone, but by you, Katniss Everdeen, that is the epitome of a fulfilled life." He says and I can see the tears coming down his cheeks, "I love you" he finishes and I can see he's struggling to get his words out.

"Please don't leave me, Peeta" I cry.

"I'll never leave you" Peeta says pulling me into a kiss. Even though it's been over 50 years I still get a tingly feeling everytime we kiss but then again Peeta's timeless to me, "You'll always be my Katniss"

"You can't go, you promised always! Remember on our honeymoon you said I'll never have to live a day without you because you'll always be here!" I shout at him, though struggling to get my words out, "The kids need you too! What about Willow she's just about to get married, you need to walk your daughter down the isle!" I say, my voice slowly going.

"Willow and Rye will be okay, they have you" Peeta says touching my shoulder gently.

"No they need you!" I shout. I know it's not his fault. I know it's not his doing. But I'm so angry he has to leave me and he'll never come back and I'll be alone, and I can't be without him. I remember all those years ago, what happened to me without him.

"You'll be fine baby, remember I'll always be in here" he states, placing his hand over my heart, my old heart, but no matter how old it gets, it'll always beat for him. For my Peeta.

I look down at his hand and see it fall, I look around confused until I see the monitor. I hear doctors come in the room but I'm just shouting to say here, shouting Peeta's name, begging him to be okay. I hear someone say time of death and I clutch my chest and fall to the floor, "No! Peeta!" I shout but it's no use, nothing can bring him back.

About 30 minutes later, after staring at the wall not being able to move or speak, no matter how much my daughter and son beg me too, the doctor tells me I can see him.

I walk through to his room again and see all the machines switched off and he's lay down, just like he was sleeping. I walk over to the side of the bed and see him properly. His grey hair, the wrinkles under his eyes, the wrinkles that cover most of his face and body, but of course they've closed his eyes. The blue eyes that held so much hope are gone.

I cry again but no tears come out I just stand there clutching Peeta's hand, struggling to breathe. I lean forward and kiss his lips gently. "I love you" I whisper through my tears. I brush his hair back, gently with my hand and smile sadly, I smile because I remember all the amazing memories I've had with my husband, who made me happy for all the time I knew him.

I plant one last kiss on his forehead like he used to do with me and I look down at his hand again, the hand that I've not let go off and I never will.

I get told I have to come out the room so I take one last look at Peeta and give a small smile before whispering, "Always"





This is inspired by The Vampire diaries because that Damon and Elena scene makes me cry every fucking time

I hope you enjoyed this book because this is it!
Thank you all for reading!

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