3. Meeting Earl Phantomhive

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Claude released Brooklyn and straightened up. Brooklyn on the other hand was blushing like mad. "I'm sorry for my action, Mistress, those men over there were making snide comments." Claude explained, bowing. "Pft, I'm not old enough to be a father." He grumbled. Which was a lie, Claude had been alive for century's, but of course Brooklyn didn't know that, and neither did those men. Brooklyn had looked over at the men with disgust. She then walked to them and glared.

"Excuse me but I would prefer it if you didn't make such snide comments! And Claude's not my father, he's my body guard. So if you're done being gross, sober up and maybe you can find a decent wife and you won't have to hit on 15 year old girls!" Brooklyn's voice went from calm to yelling in a matter of a few words. She was furious. Brooklyn hated the fact that girls were always getting mistreated and hit on by old men. It just wasn't right. The whole time she was yelling at the men, Claude was standing in the same spot, watching her. It always intrigued him when Brooklyn stood up to others. Sometimes it was like she didn't even need him there. The very idea of Brooklyn not needing him was something that hurt his cold, demon heart.

"Claude, lets go. I'm done here." She grabs his hand once more and then started walking back to the previous destination. Once done shopping, they headed back to the carriage. But something caught Brooklyn's eye a she passed by a particular shop. Looking through the glass, at the front display, her eyes widen. When she had stopped so had Claude and he watched her in amusement. Brooklyn was indeed 15, but her actions now were the same of a 5 year olds.

"Claude! Claude! Can I get this?!" She asked excitedly, practically jumping up and down. Claude knew that if he said no then he would get scolded. So he just nodded and she dragged him into the store.

"Ya know, I heard that specific animal is supposed to look like the owner of Fundom." The clerk said as he took the money from Claude.

"You mean Earl Phantomhive?" Brooklyn asked looking into the toys eyes. The toy, was a stuff dark navy blue cat with one bright blue eye and one purple eye.

"Yes?" A unfamiliar voice frightens them all, except Claude of course. Brooklyn turned around and saw a boy around her age dressed in dark green and a leather eyepatch. She just smiled and stuck out her left hand, exposing the mark.

"You must be Earl Phantomhive, nice to meet you, I'm Brooklyn Haskacar." Earl Phantomhive was unsure about shaking her hand at first but then firmly grabbed it, kneeled down and kissed her knuckles. Everyone, including Claude, was shocked. Especially the man with Earl Phantomhive. This man was tall, had fuchsia eyes and kind of looked like Claude, without the glasses.

"The pleasure is all mine, and please, call me Ciel." Earl Phantomhive kissed Brooklyn's knuckles once more before standing up. "Long time no see, Claude. Are you still playing the role of a butler?"

"No, you see, I am her personal body guard." Claude smirk, looking down at the short boy.

"I'm sorry to cut you reacquaintance short, but Claude and I better getting going, the triplets are waiting." For the third or forth time that day, she held his hand once more and passed Earl Phantomhive and his butler looking man. And as they passed the two, the Earl glared and the butler man smirked.

::in the carriage::

"Claude have you met them before?" Brooklyn asks, playing with her new toy.

"Yes." Was all he said and the rest of the ride home, they were silent. When they arrived home, the triplets took the groceries to the kitchen and Brooklyn headed off to the study for her lessons.

By the end of the day Brooklyn was exhausted, even thou she hasn't done much of anything. But Claude had pushed her hard, he tried getting Brooklyn to work with the upmost intelligence that she could muster up. And she had, the whole time, not once giving up.

Claude handed Brooklyn her night clothes then stepped out of the room so she could change, and only entered once more when she told him to.

After he tucked her in and Brooklyn gave him a kiss goodnight, Claude started to walk out of the door. It was only 10 minutes before he heard his name being called once more.

"Claude?" Brooklyn whimpered. When he had entered the room, Brooklyn was sitting up in her bed, almost crying.

"Mistress, is everything alright?" He asked, walking to her bedside. It was clear that she had been crying.

"Claude the monsters are going to eat me!" She whined. Then she whispered "Can you come lay with me? Just for tonight."

"If that is what you wish, mistress." Claude had a straight face on, on the outside but on the inside, he was glad that she had made that request. Claude went to the other side of the bed and took his shoes, jacket and tie off, before climbing under the blanket and laying next to the frightened girl.

After a few minutes Brooklyn had calmed down then scooted closer to Claude and rested her head on his chest. She had taken Claude by surprise and his body stiffened.

Quickly she sat up and looked at his wide eyed. "I'm sorry Claude, I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable." Brooklyn then started to jerk her head to the side, looking at certain parts in the room. Claude had watched her do this then grabbed her, forcing Brooklyn to rest her head on his chest once more.

"Come on, get some rest." He hadn't bothered to answer her question because she had no way made him uncomfortable she had only surprised him with her actions. Brooklyn draped an arm acrossed his stomach and cuddled closer to him. Claude just smiled for a moment then started to pet her head. Soon enough both had fallen asleep.

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