2. The Usual

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Authors note: this story takes place during the same time period that the show does. Also Sebastian and ciel know Claude and how he used to be contracted to alois but the whole alois wanting ciel thing never happened. all that happened to alois was when the contract was up claude took his soul. the end. And Claude never tried to take ciel away from Sebastian.

::present time::

Four year have passed since the two talked and the deal they made wasn't as simple as it looked, in fact the girl wanting a friend wasn't all that she wanted. The girl wanted to make her parents regret leaving her, which was reasonable.

"Claude, is it really necessary for me to dress like this?" Brooklyn asked as Claude finished tying up her black combat boots. Claude had dressed her in a pink knee-length, dress that was short in the front but was longer in the back, which went down to her calfs. A black ribbon was tied neatly into a bow behind her back, and a pink hat with a thin, small veil with three black feathers, was placed on her head.

Claude hadn't given her an answer but instead handed Brooklyn a cup of earl grey tea. And as he handed her the tea, a small calico cat jumped on her lap, almost spilling the piping hot tea all over Brooklyn's lap. She kisses the cats head and then Claude's, like she always did. The kisses between the two were always different. With the cat she felt as if she was kissing her baby but when she kissed Claude, she felt sparks. It was like fireworks were sent off or little shocks of electricity went through her body. Of course she would never tell Claude this.

"Claude, what are we doing today?" Brooklyn asks, finishing off the last of her tea.

"The usual." The usual had consisted of cello lessons, then cooking lessons, and lastly they would go into town. And occasionally when they returned from going to town, Claude would give her singing lessons, or Brooklyn would put on a small concert for her cat, Samantha, and Claude.

"But that's so boring! Can't we do something else today." Brooklyn whined, she was always trying to get Claude to change the schedule, they practically did the same thing everyday.

"We could always do everything backwards." He suggested and what he meant was that they could go into town and then do their lessons. Claude had put the tea cup on the cart and when he turned around Brooklyn was laying on the bed, fake snoring. He rolled his eyes and Brooklyn laughed.

"Hey Claude, how well can you see without your glasses?" She asked getting off the bed then taking Claude's glasses off his face and putting them on. "Woah, you're like, blind!" Brooklyn waves her hands in front of her as she walks closer to Claude. When she feels a warm body under her hands she continues to feel upwards until she feels soft, warm skin. Slowly she moves her hands up to his hair and runs her fingers through it, then laughs.

"Here, have you glasses back." She takes off the glasses and places them back on Claude's face. "Why is your hair so soft?" She asks and Claude shrugs and grabs her hand.

"Lets go, we are getting behind schedule." They walked out of the room and down the stairs. Claude had opened the front door and standing next to the carriage was the triplets.

"Ello triplets." Brooklyn says in a fake British accent while saluting them. They look at each other, smile and then quickly bow to her. As Canterbury opens the carriage door, Brooklyn ruffles his hair. She sits in the carriage seat, across from Claude, who just sat there with his usual cold, blank expression.

"Hmm, lets see we need; milk, some eggs, flour, vanilla extract, a few apples, some bananas, pecans, and butter. So lets see today I can make some banana bread, and some apple cake. Hopefully I can finish playing this new music and perfect it so I can get a harder piece or maybe even learn a new instrument. Oh, I just thought of something Devine! Claude can sing for me and I could get to hear his amazing voice! I've always liked the tenor and baritone singers. Then again I've always loved the lower pitched instruments too." Claude just sat there and listened as Brooklyn rambled on and on like she usually did. Brooklyn had made a habit of talking to herself no matter where she was or how many people were around her. Then again she had also talked to herself when she was alone at her previous home, before Claude contracted her. Some of her conversations were serious and almost deadly but others she would laugh and make jokes or ramble on about stupid things. Claude didn't mind though, he enjoyed listening to the randomness of his person. Of course he wouldn't show it, or even think of telling Brooklyn that, because she would surely stop talking to herself.

When the carriage stopped, Claude opened the door, then helped Brooklyn out. The triplets waited by the carriage as Claude and Brooklyn headed out to do some shopping. Immediately after stepping out of the carriage Brooklyn had grabbed Claude's hand and locked their fingers together. She looked up at her handsome body guard and he looked back at her out of the corner of his eye. Brooklyn smiled and made her way to the first store.

There was a few whispers as they walked past some older men. "Well isn't she a cutie?" One whispered to his friend. "Yeah, how much do you wanna bet that, that's her father?" The other whispered. "Who gives a shit about him, I'll snatch her away and take her in that alleyway over there." The third said a little louder than the others. "Mhmm." The other two agreed, and Claude being Claude, he heard everything. He stopped in his tracks and Brooklyn looked at him.

"What's wrong Claude?" She asks with a bit of worry shown on her face. Claude grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up, and when he did this Brooklyn's eyes widen. He then leaned down and forcefully kissed her. Brooklyn's eyes fluttered closed and little did she know, that Claude was glaring at the men as he kissed her.

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