5.The Earls Estate Pt.2

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"Oi, you, butler, I can hear you from down the hall." Brooklyn walks over to Sebastian and pulls him to her level by his tie. "I don't appreciate you gossiping about me." She pulled him closer and whispered in his ear. "Don't get on my bad side, got it?" She released him and turned around with a big smile on her face. Grabbing Grell's hand she pulled him forward and then made him spin in a circle with her. "Doesn't Grell look great?"  

::present time::  

Everyone was staring at the new Grell. Brooklyn had done a good job at actually making him look like a girl rather than his usual attempts. Grell's hair was put up in a messy up-do, with various colored flowers in it. Of course he still had in his usual outfit on but instead of him looking all formal his shirt was untucked, tie off, jacket on and buttoned. Grell pushed up his glasses and looked at everyone, especially Sebastian.  

"Oh Bassy, don't I look great." Grell mused, leaning on Sebastian.

"Well, it is an improvement." What he said wasn't exactly an compliment but it was better than a snide remark he usually gave.  

"Oh Bassy! You think I look pretty." Grell beamed. Brooklyn was bored by this point and went and looked out the window. Looking at the garden she seen a something white. The white blob soon started chasing a butterfly. Brooklyn's eyes got wide with excitement when she realized what the white blob was.   Hurriedly, she made her way towards the door before she was stopped.  

"Mistress, where are you going?" Claude asked.  

"Outside, I need some fresh air."  Brooklyn starts to open the door and tries to slip out.  

"Here allow me." Sebastian appeared behind  Brooklyn and opened the door fully. Claude was close behind both of them.    

"I will escort her to the garden." Claude says taking the door from Sebastian. Ciel gets up too and soon everyone is heading to the garden.   Brooklyn soon spots the white blob again and runs towards it. The white blob meows at her and Brooklyn picks the cat up.  

"Awe wook at the wittle kitty! You're so cute! Yes you are!" Brooklyn rubbed her face against the cat as she praised it. Ciel, Sebastian and Grell watched Brooklyn in shock and awe. "Aww  you're so cute~!" Brooklyn's voice had went two octaves up when she said cute. The cat meowed and suddenly two more cats come out from the bushes and rubbed against Brooklyn. "Aww look at you! You're so beautiful!" The cats continued to rub against Brooklyn's arm and liked her hand. "Aww you like me!" Brooklyn gasped and everyone eyes went wide. "Claude! I want another cat!"  

"But mistress-"  

"Don't but mistress me!" Brooklyn yelled unintentionally and her eyes went wide when she realized she had yelled at him. "I want another cat." She looked at Claude with puppy dog eyes. This amused Ciel, it also amused him when she annoyed or was made at his butler. Nothing better than making his butler miserable to make Ciel feel good.  

"No." Brooklyn's heart dropped. Claude had never said no to her requests. Ever. This made Brooklyn upset. She went and sat on a nearby bench, with the cats following her.   Claude also was upset, he knew he shouldn't have said no, but he couldn't handle two cats. To be honest he wasn't very fond of cats, he didn't like dogs either. Watching Brooklyn walk away pained Claude and he couldn't stand it. Claude walked until he was in front of Brooklyn then kneeled down, taking her hand. In this position it looked as if he was proposing to her.  

"Mistress," Brooklyn didn't look at Claude, but at the ground next to him. "Mistress, please, look at me." He begged and Brooklyn realized he was begging. Claude never begged, ever. This was new to her and everyone else around them. She looked Claude in the eye and almost cried.  

"I'm so sorry Claude!" Brooklyn jumped into Claude's arms and hugged his neck. Gasps came from all around them. Grell was in awe, Ciel and Sebastian were angry. "Claude I-I," Brooklyn cried.  

"Shh, mistress, it's alright." Claude hugged Brooklyn back.

  "Thank you Claude." Brooklyn started and startled Claude.  

"Mistress, I don't understand. Why are you thanking me?"

  "You said no to me for the first time and it made me realize I had become spoiled. I thanked you because now I can focus on what I was supposed to and I can stop acting spoiled." Brooklyn looked Claude in the eye.  She placed her hand on his cheek and stroked it. Brooklyn leaned in and kissed his lips lightly. "Thank you Claude."  

Claude pulled her in and kissed Brooklyn passionately. After a few moments he released her and stared lovingly into Brooklyn's eyes. The three that were forgotten, stood wide eyed and shocked, just a few feet behind the two lovey dovey people.

  "I'm sorry for interrupting the moment you two are sharing but it's not proper for a servant to kiss his master." Sebastian's said with a closed eye smile, but by his tone you could tell he was angry.

"You know what butler man?" Brooklyn says as she stands up and turns to look at Sebastian. "I don't really care what you think."  

"Oh, but you should." Sebastian replies with a smug little smile.  

"And whys that?" Brooklyn puts a hand on her hip and leans all of her weight on one leg.  

"Because I am your father."

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