4.the Earls Estate Pt.1

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The next morning Claude awoke to something playing with his hair and glasses. He focused his vision and noticed it was Samantha, Brooklyn's cat. Claude tried pushing the cat away, but it just sat there, on top of his chest. He then felt something warm on his cheek and hot on his neck.

"Good morning." It was Brooklyn, she had kissed his cheek and was whispering in his ear.

"Mistress, it is rather early for you to be awake. Please, go back to sleep and I will wake you when it's time." Brooklyn released him, and Claude got up, but he was soon replaced by the pillow he was previously laying on.

"Mmmm." Was all she said before falling back asleep. Claude quickly put his tie and what-not back on. When he got to the door, Claude looked back at Brooklyn and noticed the dark blue cat laying next to her bed, as if she had planned everything out last night. He grabbed the cat, lifted the arm that Brooklyn was using to cuddle the pillow, placed the cat underneath and gently laid her arm back down.

::time skip::

"Good morning Mistress, it's a lovely day outside." Claude said opening the curtains.

"Do I have to get up?" Brooklyn groaned, pulling the blanket over her head, hiding from the light.

Claude smiled then grabbed the blanket and uncovered Brooklyn's face. "Yes mistress you have to wake up."

"Why? All we are doing is the usual, it's the same as every other day." She stated simply, trying to put the blanket back over her head, but Claude refused to let her.

"Mistress, you have received a letter from Earl Phantomhive, it is marked as urgent." Claude handed Brooklyn the letter and a cup of tea. Sipping her tea, she reads the letter than hands it to Claude.

"Here, it looks as if the Earl has entitled us to a visit at his estate."

Claude quickly reads the letter. "It seems he has, are you going to accept?"

"If it gets me out of lessons, then yes I defiantly will." Brooklyn jokes, throwing the blanket off of her. "Ok Claude what am I wearing today?"

"Well, I have chosen a baby blue strapless knee-length sundress with a white short sleeved bolero jacket and sandals." Claude said as he picked up the clothes and handed them to Brooklyn.

"Pretty, now get out." Brooklyn turns Claude around and then tries to push him out the door.

Once Claude is standing outside Brooklyn's door, he turns and faces her. "Mistress I was perfectly capable of walking by myself." As soon as Claude finished talking Brooklyn slammed the door in his face. "Mistress, that wasn't very nice."

"Bbfft." Was what you could hear from the other side of the door. A few minutes later you also heard a "Come on in!" So Claude entered and looked at Brooklyn. In his opinion, she looked beautiful. The baby blue complimented her short dark blue hair and made her gorgeous bright green eyes stand out more. He pulled something out of his pocket, then placed it in Brooklyn's hair. Claude stepped back and looked at her again. Even more beautiful.

"Come on Claude, we're going to be late." Brooklyn jumps off the bed, before Claude could even put her shoes on.

"Oh no, we won't, come here." He says as he picks Brooklyn up by her waist, then sets her back on the bed. "You need to put your shoes on first before we go anywhere."

Brooklyn thinks about it for a minute and then says, "no." And quickly jumps off the bed and runs out of her bedroom door and down the hallway.

"I don't want my shoes on!" Brooklyn yells as she runs down the stairs. Unfortunately she isn't able to out run Claude. Due to his demonic speed. That and the triplets were in her way. "UGH!" She grunts when Claude picks her up and starts walking to the dining room. "You're no fun. Do you even know how to have fun? Gosh, it's always; 'you have to do this' and 'do that' or 'behave and do as you're told.' And maybe I wanted to go bare foot today, I never really liked shoes anyways." Claude just rolled his eyes at all of Brooklyn's rambling and complaining as he put on her shoes. "Why don't you loosen up a little? And why do you always look so formal, I mean come on your hair doesn't even get messy." Brooklyn then places her hand on Claude's head and messes up his hair. Strands of hair is sticking up all over the place. "There perfect. And I want it to stay that way. Who was that guy dressed up in that suit? You know, the one that was with Earl Phantomhive. Is he a butler or something?"

"Indeed he is. His name is Sebastian Michaelis." Claude says as he places a plate of food in front of Brooklyn.

"Is he a demon too? He kind of looked like you and his eyes glowed pink when he saw you. Does he not like you or something?"

"Yes mistress, he is a demon and no we don't get along very well. Now please, eat your food so we may leave." Brooklyn pouts but does as she's told. More questions we coming together in her mind and she was going to get answers one way or another. And their visit to the Phantomhive manor, will be interesting. A smirk appeared as she ate her food in silence, Claude had left and went to tell the triplets to get the carriage ready.

::later, in the carriage::

"I wonder what happened to him. Phantomhive looks like he's been through a lot. He looks like he's never been truly happy. Sigh, and the eyepatch, what happened to his eye? Did his eye fall out?" Brooklyn's eyes went wide and she looked at her silent body guard. "Claude! Did he sneeze with his eyes open and one just, like, pop out?" Brooklyn was trying her hardest to figure out what happened.

"No mistress, under that eyepatch, is his contract seal. He covers it up so no one can see it." Claude pushed up his glasses and Brooklyn looked at the palm of her left hand.

"But why? Is he ashamed of if? I mean, I never cover mine up, so why does he cover his?" She asks, not taking her eyes off of her palm.

"Not everyone is like you mistress. I don't think he's ashamed of it, I suppose it's more like he doesn't want people to see it and then ask questions because it would expose everything."

"Oh, ok. Claude how long is it going to take for us to get there?" Brooklyn asks, yawning.

"Awhile, if you're tired mistress, then sleep." Claude looks at her and she yawns again.

"Ok." Brooklyn then gets up and sits next to Claude. After a moment she lays her head on his lap and fell asleep. A few minutes went by before Claude notices that Brooklyn is cold. Quietly and quickly, without trying to make to many movements, he takes off his jacket and places it on top of Brooklyn. With her being curled up, Brooklyn was almost completely covered. Claude pushes a strand of hair behind Brooklyn's ear and just stared at her. It wasn't a creepy, perverted type stare, no, it was a protective and caring stare.

The whole rest of the ride to the Phantomhive manor, Brooklyn slept, and Claude watched her.

::at the Phantomhive manor::

Claude gently shook Brooklyn awake and once she woke, he opened the carriage door and helped her out. The jacket still rapped around her shoulders and Claude didn't even try to get it back. To him, it was nice to have arm room, or really just nice to be out of the monkey suit occasionally.

Claude knocked on the big oak doors and immediately the butler man had opened the door.

"Ah, Miss. Haskacar, my master is expecting you. May I take your coat?" He says.

"No." Was all that Brooklyn replied and she had come off a little rude, but she hasn't meant to be.

"Tsk tsk tsk, underdressed." Sebastian says looking at Claude. "I thought you would be more proper than that."

"Excuse 'Mr.Michaelis' but I have his jacket. That's why I didn't want you taking it. And what if I don't want him looking all proper all of the time. It doesn't suit him that well, I like him better when he's not looking all formal." Brooklyn walked next to Claude and held his arm. "And besides, look at this! You can see his strong muscles, and when I can see his muscles it ensures me more that he can protect me."

Brooklyn then pulled Claude forward by his arm, while he looked back and smirked at Sebastian.

"Are you going to show us the way or am I going to have to find it myself." Brooklyn asks when she stops a few paces in front of Sebastian.

"Yes of course, my apologies." Sebastian's bows and leads them to Earl Phantomhive. Sebastian led them to a room that looked like a small library. "Master, Miss. Haskacar is here." He then holds the door open for Brooklyn to show her appearance.

"Hello Phantomhive." Brooklyn says as she walks into the room with Claude and Sebastian in tow.

"Sebastian did you-" Phantomhive didn't finish his sentence once he saw Claude. "Never mind. Miss. Haskacar please call me Ciel."

"Of course, and do call me Lynn. Brooklyn is to, to formal." Brooklyn takes off Claude's jacket and looks at it. "Here Claude, you can have it back, I'm not cold anymore." Once she hands it to Claude Brooklyn looks back at Ciel. "So, why'd you call me here?"

"Can I not want guests-"

"Oh Bassy!" An unfamiliar voice interrupts ciel.

"What the hell is he doing here? Sebastian get rid of him." Ciel orders, rubbing his temples. Before Sebastian could get to the door a long haired red headed man with a chainsaw enters. Claude quickly steps in front of Brooklyn, to hide her from this man.

"Bassy! Oh how I've missed you!" The man runs towards Sebastian, trying to hug him, but he just steps to the side, avoiding the red head. The man lunges for Sebastian a few times and every time he did so, Sebastian would dodge it. It took the man a few minutes to realize that there were other people in the room. The mans eyes stopped on Claude an he looked upset.

"Bassy, are you cheating on me? With him?! Bassy how could you!" The red head started crying on the floor. Brooklyn stuck her head out from behind Claude and watched the man. After a moment she got up and went to him.

"Mistress-" Claude started.

"Hush Claude." Brooklyn bent down and stuck her hand out. "Hello there, I'm Brooklyn." The man looked up and stopped crying.

"Grell Sutcliff." He says shaking Brooklyn's hand.

"Well Grell," Brooklyn helps Grell up. "I could help but notice you trying to get Sebastian's affection. Honestly I don't know why you are, I mean look at him! He's all stuck up and proper, no man should be like that. How long have you known him?"

Grell is speechless for a moment and then answers her. "Well about 2 and a half years."

"Have you ever seen him out of that monkey suit?" Brooklyn looks at Ciel. "May I?" Ciel nods and then walks to Sebastian. She grabs his tie and yanks it, choking him but also making him bend down. She then loosens his tie and unbuttons the first three buttons of his shirt. Brooklyn unbuttons and takes off Sebastian's jacket. "Bend down." When Sebastian's head is in reach, Brooklyn runs her fingers through it then messes it up. Once she thinks it looks good she steps back and admires him. "Hmm, not good enough. Unstuck your shirt." Sebastian gives her a questioning look but does it anyways. When he's finished Brooklyn smiles. "There much better, don't you think, Grell?" She looks at Grell and he has hearts in his eyes "I'll take that as he likes it. What about you Ciel? What do you think?"

Ciel busts out laughing. "That's defiantly a different look for him."

"I think he looks dashing. That's a much better look than the usual suit and tie. Ok Ciel, you next." Ciel stopped laughing when Brooklyn mentioned him.

"Oh, no thank you Brooklyn I rather like the look I have now."

"Aww, but why not?" Brooklyn whined.

"Because I said no." Ciel states firmly and Brooklyn raises an eyebrow at him.

"Fine." Brooklyn then looks at Grell with a devilish smile. "Hey Grell, you'll let me make you over right?"

Grell made an iffy face. "I don't know. I don't want to look like Sebastian, I am a lady after all."

"Yes I know and you are a very lovely lady. But you won't look like Sebastian I'll make you look extremely beautiful." Grells face lit up. Brooklyn took his hand and looked at Sebastian.

"Can you show us to the nearest bathroom?" Sebastian bowed and showed them the way. "I don't mean to ask for a lot but can you bring me an assortment of flowers?"

"Yes of course." Sebastian took off again, Brooklyn and Grell stepped inside of the bathroom.

"Ok Grell, lets see what we can do." Brooklyn then starts combing through Grell's hair, with the comb she found in the bathroom. "Grell, can you take off your glasses please?"

"Uh sure but I need them to see." He says a little unsure.

"Yes I know, you can put them back on once I'm done with your hair." Grell takes off his glasses and Brooklyn takes a look at his eyes. "Oh! Your eyes are just, so, pretty!" Grell just blushed. She then started pulling up his hair and tying it with ribbons, that she also found in the bathroom. It was in a big messy bun, with short strands of hair framing his face and his bangs just how they usually were. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Miss. Haskacar, I have the flowers you requested." Sebastian said through the door.

"Oh, just bring them in!" Brooklyn was combing Grell's bangs and loose strands of hair, when Sebastian entered with a basket of all types if flowers. "Thank you Sebastian these are perfect. How does she look so far?"

Sebastian just looked at Grell then at Brooklyn. "I must be getting back to my master and- Claude." When Sebastian said Claude it was in a disgusted tone.

"That's not very nice! Claude is a good man. Wait- nevermind scratch that. Claude isn't a bad man. He's very nice and takes care of me, so he can't be that bad. And honestly, I visible enjoy him." Brooklyn blushed at her last statement, surprised that she had said it out loud. She then grew angry at herself but decided to take it out on the man. "UGG GET OUT!" She yelled slamming the door in his face, causing Grell to gasp. Brooklyn then continued to fix Grell up.

Meanwhile in Ciel's Study...

"I say, you have a very emotional girl Faustus." Sebastain said running his hand through his hair.

"She's fairly easy to deal with."

"I honestly don't see how. She was arguing with me about you, she said that she visibly enjoys you and then got mad!" She has terrible mood swings. Claude just shrugged and Ciel started laughing. "Is something funny master?"

"Yes, you seem to not notice that Miss. Haskacar has a crush on Claude. She also seems to annoy you, which is also funny." Ciel said smugly.

"Oh no master I have noticed that she liked Claude, I just didn't think that she would actually admit it out loud." Sebastain eyebrows furrowed when he realized that his master enjoyed watching him be annoyed.

Suddenly the door flew open and in the door way stood Brooklyn and the new Grell. Brooklyn looked kind of pissed off when she entered the room.

"Oi, you, butler, I can hear you from down the hall." Brooklyn walks over to Sebastian and pulls him to her level by his tie. "I don't appreciate you gossiping about me." She pulled him closer and whispered in his ear. "Don't get on my bad side, got it?" She released him and turned around with a big smile on her face. Grabbing Grell's hand she pulled him forward and then made him spin in a circle with her. "Doesn't Grell look great?"

[A/N: is it just me or is this chapter really long? Ooh don't worry, I will get to Brooklyn find her parents and what not soon enough. Also, don't you love how Sebastian just irritates Brooklyn? I love it, but I need more ideas and stuff for him to do so that it pisses off Brooklyn. Comment any of your ideas.

Rate, fan, whatever I just hope you enjoy my story.]

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