6.My Father?

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Authors Note: Ok so I don't remember what I had told you Guys before about Ciel and what not. but I think I lied during some of it. Ciel is indeed a demon. that's why he looks the same age as Brooklyn. I will also be trying to update at least once a week. maybe twice depending on how school goes.


"You know what butler man?" Brooklyn says as she stands up and turns to look at Sebastian. "I don't really care what you think."

"Oh, but you should." Sebastian replies with a smug little smile.

"And whys that?" Brooklyn puts a hand on her hip and leans all of her weight on one leg.

"Because I am your father."

::Present Time::

"Wait, what?" Brooklyn asking in complete shock. "You're not my father! My father looked nothing like you!" Brooklyn fell on her knees and looked at Claude. "Tell him he's wrong."

" But mistress, if I did then I would be lying." Brooklyn's eyes filled with tears.

"No. it cant be! My father didn't look like you." Brooklyn started crying. "Claude if this is true, why didn't you tell me?"

"Mistress I did not think you would want to know that your father was a demon."

Grell looked really angry and Ciel was smirking. He knew who's kid Brooklyn belonged to. Because he was there when it happened, well more like standing outside and so was Grell.

"Wait you're her kid!" Grell screaming. "I wanted to kill your mother for taking my Bassy!" Grell charged at Brooklyn but Sebastian stopped him.

"Don't you dare touch my daughter." Sebastian threatened. "If you touch her I swear I will kill you."

Grell slowly backed away and look at Sebastian with wide eyes. Sebastian turned around and looked at Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn please don't cry." Sebastian tried pulling Brooklyn into a hug but she pushed him away forcefully.

"No, don't touch me!" Brooklyn whispered. "Claude, I want to leave now."

"Yes Mistress." Claude bowed then went to get the carriage ready.

"I'm sorry Ciel, but I will see you next time." Brooklyn bowed then looked at the Phantomhive servants, then bowed and then looked at Sebastian. She just gave him a pained and sad look then turned and walked in the direction Claude did.

"Sebastian, couldn't you have told her a little more gently?" Ciel said sitting on the bench that Brookyn was previously at.

"I thought would he have told her already, but I suppose he hasn't. I do hope she knows who her mother is. Although Brooklyn may never talk to me again after what happened today." Sebastian looked at Ciel as he sat there.

"I wouldn't blame her either." Ciel smirked and looked at Sebastian. "I know I wouldn't be happy if I found out my real father was a demon and my mother was a nun, I would be upset too."

Sebastian just ignored his masters statement. "Master would you like your afternoon tea?"

"Yes bring it to me here in the Garden. It's a nice day so I think I'll spend it outside."

"Yes my lord." Sebastian bowed and walked off to get his masters tea.

::With Claude and Brooklyn::

"Claude, why didn't you tell me?" Brooklyn asked, looking at the ground.

"Mistress, I didn't want you to know that your father was a demon. I knew it would upset you and then that bastard had to tell you so soon." Claude helped Brooklyn into the carriage and she looked at him eyes filled with tears. Claude was glad that she wasn't crying anymore but he still didn't like that she was on the verge of tears.

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