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Gloria Pov.

I placed my self on the couch and picked up the bowl of pop corn and dug right in until the doorbell rung, i got up placed the bowl on the table and opened the door to Jacob.

He walked in and placed him self on the couch eating MY pop corn.

"Erm last time i checked that was MY popcorn."

He sighed and turned on the T.V. as closed the door "Now it's mine!" He smirked, I placed my self next to him grabbing the bowl out of his hands. "No it was always mine!"

"So what are we gonna do?"

I looked at Jacob as he crossed his arms in all seriousness. I sighed unprepared for that question. "Erm well we could just...go to his house" I shrugged i'm all out of idea's don't judge me!!

Jacob clashed his eye brows together before he burst out laughing. "First you be like 'No Jacob, Ray might have a gun!!' next minute you like 'Oh why don't we just go to his house, unarmed, looking like a dumb nigga, weapon naked, and talk?"

He continued to laugh as i crossed my arms at his failed attempt to do my voice. "I don't sound like that." I pouted.

Jacob stopped laughing for a minute just to burst out laughing again louder.

I sighed and looked away hiding my smirk. "Jacob i'm serious, we need to talk to him!"

Jacob stopped laughing and looked at me with surprise. "Dang you were serious?"

I nodded. 

"Gloria you're crazy! We can't just go there and talk to him not expecting him to shoot us!"

I shrugged. "Wanna take the risk?"


Jacob Pov.

We walked up to the entrance of Ray's huge house, i swear i don't know how Gloria convinced me to do this just in case i tucked a butter knife in my pocket, what? Don't judge me, i a'int allowed to carry no guns beside Gloria didn't have no sharpies! 

She knocked on the door once before it flung open, Ray looked up at us, i had an urge to stab this guy right now a smirk spread across his face. 

I shook my head. 

"We can to talk to you." Gloria crossed her arms.

"What if i don't wanna talk." He crossed his arms as well.

"Nigga you a'int got a choice." I said taking a step into his house followed by Gloria. 

"Ok talk." Ray said closing the door behind us.

I crossed my arms. "No you're gonna be the one talking Why'd you stab me? Why'd you run away? Why'd you cut you're hair? NIGGA WHERE YOU TRY-"

Gloria put her hand on my shoulder. "Dang Jacob slow down." She sighed "Anyway, why did you stab Jacob?"

Ray Pov.

As she asked that question the memories flooded back in and so did the guilt all i remembered was him fading away on that floor, never have i had a worse feeling in me, my smirk disappeared as i looked down. "I-i was angry..."

"Why?" Gloria asked.

I looked up at the both of them Jacobs lips were in a thin line as nothing but concern was across Gloria's face.

I shook my head. "I don't know why but...i'm sorry."

Jacob Pov.

Gloria looked up at me in surprise. I clashed my eye brows together. "You're sorry?" 

Ray nodded. "Yeah, when i stabbed you our friendship went away-"

"And so did some of my blood." I scoffed quietly. 

Gloria nudged me in the arm as he continued. "-Yeah so dang we used to be bros." A side smile appeared on his face.

I smiled slightly as well remembering all the good moments we had until i remember what he did. "Yeah until you tried to rape Gloria!" 

Gloria rolled her eyes as Ray chocked on his words. "Oh Gloria look i-"

She shook her head. "It's ok..."

Ray looked at her for a while before looking back down at his fingers and fiddling with them. "Can y'all forgive me?"

~♥~ 3 days later ~♥~

Accepting Ray back into the group has been...awkward...i mean real awkward, never had the lunch hall been so quiet.

"Sooooooo." Prince said breaking the silence and scratching the back of his head.

Ray sat in front of me as Gloria sat on one side of him and Chresanto sat on the other Craig sat in front of him, i sat next to him and Prince and Violet sat next to me...i'll leave you to work that out 

"What did you guys do on Saturday?" Prince said trying to make conversation.

Violet sat up. "I went shopping!"

"As usual." Chresanto scoffed.

She kissed her teeth as everyone chuckled quietly.

"So's life been." Craig crossed his arms looking him up and down obviously still mad at him.

Ray looked up from texting. "'s been interesting....." 

Everyone nodded uncomfortably. 

"It's nice to be back tho." He continued.

Everyone agreed as Chresanto hugged Ray i clashed my eye brows together. "It's nice to have you back, i missed you bro!!" he wept on him, Ray nodded and patted his back. "You too nigga." 

Gloria smiled as Violet smiled touched by the nigga moment. 

Craig scrunched his eyes together. "Nigga you gay."

Eveyone burst out laughing, as they broke the hug joined in.

This chapter may be borning but i dunno y'all are the ones that actually read it so...comment pleaseeeee!!!!

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